I (29/f) went on a great first date with this guy. We met through friends. Everyone has only super nice things to say about him. ANYWAY, we were talking about London bobby hats, and here’s how the convo went:

Him: as long as you don’t club me with a billy club while wearing it

Me: haha no promises…? don’t break the law

Him: no deal!

Me: haha please don’t be into that

Him: I almost made a joke about light clubbing and thankfully decided against it

Me: Well now I have to know

Him: Ok, maybe some light clubbing. Just not the face, that’s my money maker

Me: I’m not the clubbing type so your money maker is safe

Him: I promise I own zero whips or chains

He’s telling me that he’s into being clubbed right? Or am I being paranoid and he has an odd sense of humor?

  1. I’m not a telepath but I am an experienced masochist. He doesn’t sound like one of us to me.

  2. Maybe a little bit of role playing.

    Dress him up like a baby seal before clubbing him.

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