There’s a girl in my class who I’ve noticed lately keeps looking at me. At first I thought she just looking in my general direction but I’m 90% sure she’s looking at me. A lot of the time she is smiling and she doesn’t look away when I look towards her, it’s often me looking away lol. I’ve never spoken to her and the only thing I know about her is that she talks to a girl I was interested in that I hardly knew that I thought liked me back until I found out she had a boyfriend somewhere.

I don’t know if she is single but through some social media stalking there’s a lot of photos where this guy in another one of my classes is in. I can’t tell if she’s dating him but they do look more like good friends.

What should I do?

  1. Oh yeah, that definitely sounds like interest . Get too it buddy lol. Talk to her if you fancy her .

  2. You should take your shot and approach her.

    Walk up to her and ask something random about some homework stuff or whatever. After she answers something multiple things “pop” up in your head to talk about – the problem is that people judge the things that pop up and don’t think they are “cool” or “funny” enough to say out loud.

    You need to let go of these filters and just speak about what you find amusing, fun or interesting about her/the situation/whatever about..

    Also, you need to flirt – being just friendly takes you into the friend zone.

    If you don’t know [how to flirt then this book]( has helped me a lot with this problem over the past couple of months.

    Flirting is basically playfully teasing the girl while keeping a “seductive” dynamics through eye contact, voice tonality etc.

    Try it out, you have nothing to lose – the world is for the brave!

  3. Next time she smiles at you and you have a chance to approach her. Keep eye contact and smile back. Let her know you are interested just by the way you smile back. And walk up to her and just say what’s up. She will say nothing or something simple along those lines.
    Then just say something like I couldn’t tell, but it seems like you’re always smiling at me and I think you’re really pretty and would like to get to know you better. And ask them for their number.

    It’s school she may say no, she may say yes. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter either way. At least you tried.

  4. Easy approach: Next time you catch her staring at you and she’s got a smile on, look back at her and smile back and just give her a wave to acknowledge her lol. Worst case scenario if she’s not actually staring at you and you wave to her then all you did was attempt to acknowledge someone you thought was interested, otherwise if she is interested in you and you wave at her it might let her know you’re ok with her approaching you.

    If you’ve got the guts next time she stares at you walk up to her when you get a chance and ask her nicely that you feel like she’s staring and just say you’re curious why lol.

  5. Not really a sign if anything. Some people are just nice in general and exude pleasantries. Reading in subtext is really weird and you’ll be disappointed.

    Just say hi my name is x can we study sometime if you get a chance. Other than that you have to learn women aren’t always closed off to men. However, do not abuse this to assume she’s interested.

  6. If you’re interested as well go talk to her. It’ll probably go well but remember that if she’s not interested in you nothing happens. You just go on with your life.

  7. Can be….however, understand your place in the existing hierarchies….could also be a setup if your percieved as weak….speaking from experience

  8. It may or may not be. I understand the desire to be sure before you approach. I would recommend being honest with yourself and approaching if you’re interested.

    The more often you often you approach people you are interested in the better you can get at it. If she is interested, you just got a little better at gauging interest. If she isn’t interested then it will sting a bit, but at least you found out and can let it go.

  9. At your age “relationship” don’t mean shit. If it ain’t got no ring it’s fair game. In other words let her say no.

  10. o man, wish i wouldve thought of using reddit like this. seeing this many people reply with help was intresting to read and acknowledge how much help u got from a simple post online.

  11. No, she’s not interested in you. Don’t believe it’s true just because you hope so

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