My situationship right now is less than ideal. I’ve been with a gaslightlighter for the last 2 1/2 years. We are at the end, we’re not even together so I started dating a little…

No pun intended leading into this next part.

I went out with a man yesterday, he was literally everything I could see myself with. Successful and just a great man …

But he will not be getting a second date from me… bc …sigh. *I know I’ll be crucified* but I’m 5’1 and he was at most 5’3 maybe when we stood up, at the restaurant we met at. I’m not attracted to him bc of this… and I can’t fake the funk. I wouldn’t hurt his feelings and ever say that out loud. But he’s very likely not to get a second date.

  1. Height preferences aren’t a big deal. I wouldn’t date a girl who is below 5′ and ideally she should be at least 5’7. The nature of preferences is just accepting that you are making things harder on yourself and your search will take longer because of that.

  2. I mean…

    You are willing to put up with a “gaslighter” for 2.5 years who won’t commit to you, but won’t give a chance to a guy who is “everything you could see yourself with” over his height, even though he was taller than you…

    I saw some numpty below saying “she doesn’t want to settle” in your defence, but to me that is bullshit, you have been settling on your values and the things you actually want for the last 2.5 years. There are no benefits to height other than the other persons perception, and I have no problem with a height preference (as in I prefer, but it’s not a dealbreaker), but once it’s like a complete deal breaker even though the guy is taller than you, to me that means you are carrying around some gender stereotypes about male masculinity, which if the role is reversed and men do that to women it blows up.

    I do think you are shallow, and if this guy is a great guy I also think you are stupid, you have been tolerating a lot worse than the bones in a guys legs being a little bit shorter for a good while. But then again it is your choice who you date, you don’t have to justify it to me or anybody else, I have my opinion but that is all it is, it’s important we all have freedom of choice.

  3. you have it here folks.

    Women would rather be disrespected than
    be with a short King.

  4. It’s shallow but it’s also OK.

    Everyone can likely think of at least one physical characteristic that would make someone unattractive to them. It’s not nice that it happens, especially when it’s towards someone you would otherwise like, but you can’t fake attraction into reality.

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