Edit: please include all the juicy backstory and details.

  1. I was a nightclub promoter in a giant banana costume, she was gorgeous and we hit it off.

  2. Mutual friends introduced us – way back before we even considered dating each other. We just had a lot of overlapping friends, and saw each other often. At some point, we were both single, and both decided to try going out.
    The sex was great. Getting to know each other on more than a surface relationship was also great.

  3. At a club.. her friend approached me and said you’re my friends type you should go talk to her.

    …and so I did.

  4. My wife and I met by chance driving down the road. Fate had a big play in this. I never stayed late at work but got hung up. My truck had super dark tint and I had my window half down. She was with a friend driving to a baseball game. I look over at a red light and see the beautiful woman smiling at me a waving and saying something. (Her window was up so she was talking to the glass). Her friend who was driving looks over and I knew her from high school. They roll the window down and ask if I wanted to go to a Cardinals game. I said I was broke. They had an extra ticket. I told them to follow me to my apartment that was 1 stop light up so I could shower.

    This all happened in 1/2 mile. If I didn’t stay at work, didn’t have my window down and if she didn’t stop at her house first, this never would have happened.

    1/2 mile and a crap day at work changed my life.

    This September will be 17 years married to this crazy woman.

  5. Answering for my man. I was leaving a brewery as he was walking in. I made an offhand comment at him and asked for his number. As they say, the rest is history..

  6. We met at a social event for a hobby we both enjoy. Initially, we were just friends and started working on the hobby together, then started realizing how much we liked being together and now we’re in a long term relationship.

  7. She picked me up at a resort bar in the FL Keys. We both lived in Miami at the time, recently celebrated our 30th anniversary.

  8. She picked me up from the bus station.

    Ofcourse there’s some backstory to it too and we weren’t complete strangers.
    We did go to same school together few years before.

  9. I was friends with a girl and I went with her to pick her sister up from the airport. (She was flying in to visit her sister).
    I saw her come bouncing out of the jetway and thought, “Where can I find a girl like this?”

    She was only coming to visit for a few days, I only had a few weeks before I was being sent overseas for 3 years, and her boyfriend was there too.

    We’ll be married 17 years next month.

  10. I’m not a guy, but I met my husband because he parked next to me by chance. We both had our windows rolled down and quite literally just looked at each other. Bam. Lol

  11. Met her by chance. We went to different colleges and I was visiting friends at her school. Saw her and went and introduced myself. We talked for hours, got her number and started dating long distance at first. After like two dates, I was convinced that she was perfect for me. Here we are 25+ years later and she’s still perfect for me.

  12. We met at a summer job when we were in High School. We will be married 15 years here soon 🙂

  13. We were in a high school play together. She says I made faces at her during her audition, but I don’t remember. After a couple of plays together we were cast as a couple, and had to hold hands and hug our at least be in physical contact the entire show. One night we ad-libbed a kiss… and that was 24 years ago, married for 19 of them.

  14. Met first wife at college, 1980. She passed away in 2015.

    Met current GF at church, 2019.

  15. I met her on a hike in Zion Natl Park. I decided to hike after a bachelor party weekend. She happened to be in between jobs so decided to use her one week off that same exact weekend to quench her guilt for backing out the previous year.

    Turns out she and I lived somewhat near each other in southern CA. We even went to the same University, I graduated 1 year earlier than she did and never met her before.

    If she didn’t get a new job when she did, or simply did the hike the first time she went to Zion, I would never have met her. Also, if I didn’t decide to visit Zion and make the drive from Vegas when I did, poof.

    I think it’s pretty wild.

  16. A lady that was into us both introduced us, thinking she’d be invited to a ‘date.’ Didn’t happen, but she was a bridesmaid at our wedding this year.

  17. Met her at a dance studio. I’m pretty damn good. Her though? Absolutely insane and immediately caught my (and everyone else in the rooms) attention. I always try to be energetic and am screaming my head off to hype people up, and she would always just kinda start doing the same. We would have small little conversations and make quick comments to each other during class but I didn’t think much of it just because I’ve built plenty of platonic relationships through the studio and generally just don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable because like a gym, it’s a place where people are there to train and improve a skill. After classes I’d usually take a dumb selfie and post it on my Insta, and one day she just jumped in and told me to tag her, to which I replied I don’t think I followed her, so she grabbed my phone and typed in her info. Every time she’d post a story it was basically something I had an interest in too, from music artists, to shows she was going to, to food spots, all without me ever having mentioned any of it online or to others, so being the absolutely shy person that I am when it comes to people that I develop a genuine interest in, I eventually commented under something she posted which lead us to start messaging each other, which lead to getting her actual phone number, which lead to going to one of the events she had posted about on her story and we just went from there.

    Long story short: Find a hobby. It sounds like generic advice but it fucking works.

  18. Tango lessons I started taking just to make myself more interesting and confident. It was like catching fish in a barrel with dynamite. In the span of a year, I met about 7 different women in my age range, 3 who I went on multiple dates with, 1 of whom I married. I could have easily imagined seriously dating the other 2 with the intent to marry.

  19. While this most certainly doesn’t count as my wife and I did meet through online dating. HOWEVER, somewhat relevant as it turned out we literally hung out in the same extended friend group and somehow never met over the course of our entire adult life (which spanned nearly 2 decades at this point).

    Like she happened to not go to all the parties/get togethers I went to and vice versa the entire time. Funny because she is good friends with my best friends wife and whenever I was single I would practically 3rd wheel it at their house nearly every weekend.

    We live in the suburbs of a major city too and actually lived like 30 miles apart when we started dating, so it’s not like we lived in a small town where it borders on likely that we would hang out with/know the same people.

    As we discussed our history it was just funny how we were so close yet so far at so many points in our life. One time my best friend hung out and crashed at my apartment because his wife went to a concert with my future wife like a decade before we met.

    She also happened to move out of state for a year, the year my best friend got married and she couldn’t make it to the wedding, so didn’t meet here there either. Almost like there was a right time we needed to meet to make sure it worked and fate ensured it happened when it was supposed to.

    Just still baffles me how literally like 15 years of hanging out with the same people we never met until we met online (For context we were both 36 when we finally met and had both been hanging out with the same group of friends since like 19-20 years old).

  20. I met the woman I’m currently dating at a psychedelic retreat. We barely interacted at the retreat, but she looked me up afterward and we started chatting, now here we are…

  21. I thought this was a cute question and wanted to answer for my boyfriend-

    During COVID we were both home from college and working. I was a cashier at a local grocery store and he was an Instacart shopper (for those who don’t know what this is; it’s a personal grocery shopper who delivers food to your house). He did it like crazy and everytime I was working he was there. The first time we talked, one of the other girls I worked with had asked me to talk to him for her to see if he was single. He was indeed single and really nice so I started looking for him every shift. I was one of the fastest cashiers (hard flex lol) so he would always come in my line because I got him through the quickest. That went on for about two months before at the end of one of his orders he handed me his phone number. It was a really busy day so I put it in my back pocket and forgot about it. Later I found it in the dryer after washing it and the last two numbers were illegible. I knew he had an iPhone so I kept trying different combinations until I got the blue texts. Three numbers and a week later I finally got ahold of him:)

    We’ve been together for almost two years, live in different cities, visit eachother at least once a week and love each other more everyday❤️

  22. We met at work a couple weeks after a 5 year relationship ended. I was done with women at that point. Too many crazies, too much heartbreak.

    Then Karen walked to the break room. She had just transferred from another Cath Lab and it was her first day. We introduced ourselves and went our separate ways. Over the next couple months the other ladies of the CCL decided that we would be perfect for each other. They were relentless. We went out as a group and we talked some then. A week or two later I asked her if she wanted to go someplace after work and get to know each other without the observers/instigators. A year later I asked her to marry me. This September 22 will be 21 years.

  23. I met my wife of 17 years in a plane. I was going on vacation with my parents and she with hers and she sat next to me on the plane.

    She stayed at the same hotel on the same floor. And lived in the same city I was from. Couldn’t have been better.

  24. I met my wife when we were both 15 on holiday. We had a intense young love sorta thing, then after the two weeks holiday we tried to do the long distance thing because we lived on opposite sides of the country, writing to each other. But me being 15, ADD and an idiot, I lost interest and broke it off and started seeing someone else.

    Fast forward 5-6 years and I meet up with her again, she has started going to university in my area and hit me up on Facebook, we went out to play pool, went to the cinema, went back to my flat, got high and had a lot of sex. I felt very strongly about her, like all fluttery. But, being the MASSIVE dickhead that I was, I’d forgotten to mention to her that I was still seeing someone else before she messaged me and because I was a massive wanker, I hadn’t ended that relationship before falling into this one. In an uncharacteristic bout of honesty I told her what I’d done, and she, deservedly, told me to fuck right off and cut off all ties with me. I was crushed but I knew I deserved it, and ultimately it changed how I treat women from then on. I chalked up losing her as penance for me being a horrible dogshit human and expected her never to speak to me again.

    Fast forward again another 5-6 years, I had been stuck in a complicated, horrible and emotionally abusive relationship for 3 years which had just recently ended. I’ll spare you the details, except to say, I was a shell of a person. Lost all my “friends”. I’d just work and sleep, work and sleep, smoke weed and despair at what my life had become. Out of the blue, my first love from when I was 15 messages me again saying she was in the area and wants to meet up, I reluctantly agree. I’m not who I used to be, my confidence is shot, I’m tired and not eating/sleeping, I’m probably unbeknownst to me depressed at that point and had been playing with thoughts of suicide, but because I was too scared to leave dependant family members and because I was too scared of oblivion to die, I hadn’t acted on it. Somehow this amazing woman sees something in me, even in the state that I’m in, and spends time with me. And I’m resistant too, I’ve got walls up 10 feet thick, and I’m sad and angry all the time, probably horrible and toxic to be around but she persists.

    I start to think things like “I owe it to this person to try and be better for the effort she’s putting in” and start turning my life around, the relationship continues with me travelling to her and her travelling to me between work and stuff for the next few months. The inevitable happens and I end up getting her pregnant and I move to her end of the country, move in together, get a better job down there, and start making a life.

    Fast forward to now, 10 years later and we are married, we’ve got two kids, and we just bought a house together. Ever the beautiful, supportive, amazing woman she ever was except now we’re old as fuck.

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