Hi Americans I’m from Guinea, we don’t really use apple sauce.

  1. In my experience, we just eat apple sauce on its own. It’s usually associated with kids, but it’s good at any age.

  2. Apple sauce is a side dish. You don’t dip anything in it. You just spoon it in your mouth.

    Usually paired with something spicy so the sweetness of the apple sauce counters the spice. Or, you just eat it as a snack.

  3. I like to eat apple sauce and cottage cheese for breakfast or as a snack.

    Pork chops with apple sauce.

    Just by itself.

    Blended with other fruit into a smoothie.

    Very popular starter food for babies.

    There is also a richer, cinammon-flavored apple sauce-like product called apple butter (doesn’t contain butter though, it’s just called that) that we spread on toast.

  4. I just eat plain apple sauce, quick breakfast or an easy snack, I suppose you could make it yourself, don’t know how but I can’t imagine it would be hard. I know some people who put in on pancakes and other baked goods but I usually put apple jelly or something similar on those.

  5. Apple sauce is also good for use in BBQ. Oartidculsrly pork and chicken, its unvommon though compared to tomato, horseradish abd mustard based suaces for BBQ

  6. Usually for breakfast food type bread items or we eat it on its own as a snack. It’s not an actual sauce. It’s more of a healthy treat.

    Also, we put a lot of different sauces on our pig meat.

  7. This one made me laugh.

    Apple sauce has many uses.

    After dental surgery. For babies and others who have few to no teeth. For a quick healthy snack. For a low calorie healthy side dish. I haven’t tried it as moisturizer or spackle, though.

  8. I love this question!

    Your misconception is, that ‘applesauce’ is a sauce like a condiment – something you spread onto other foods, like barbecue sauce or soy sauce.

    Applesauce is a dish itself, more like a pudding. It’s basically cooked apples that have been pureed or mashed to a smooth texture, and is somewhat thick. It often has added sugar or cinnamon in it. Yes, it can be made at home. It’s served either room temperature or chilled.

    You can eat it at anytime – it’s considered a snack.

  9. I actually do make my own applesauce- it’s pretty quick and mostly just involves peeling, chopping, and cooking Granny Smith apples down to a mush, then seasoning with cinnamon, lemon, maybe a little sugar. My family is Californian with Russian German heritage and we eat it on the side with German sausage or Berrocks for dinner. Sometimes we put it on potato pancakes (latkes), also it’s really good if you make it with a bit of high quality beer!

  10. You don’t dip it in anything, typically anyway. It’s eaten on it’s on its own.

  11. Apple sauce isn’t a condiment. It’s meant to be eaten as it is with a spoon. Some people like to add cinnamon to it. Sometimes you use it in baking. It’s not very popular beyond children and old folks.

  12. Applesauce can be used to glaze pork or chicken. It’s also eaten raw as a side dish.

    Some people do make it at home, but most people buy it already made.

  13. You eat it straight up. Some people use it on pork chops and if you make latkes (fried shredded or mashed potato) you can dip them in apple sauce. Latkes are a traditional Jewish food so not super widespread.

    Mostly people eat it on its own as a snack or a side dish. It is most popular with kids and babies. It is a good starter food for babies.

    Some people do make it themselves. My wife makes it when we pick too many apples in the fall and need to use them up before they go bad. Most of the time you buy it at the store in jar.

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