Hi Reddit, it’s been a while and I need some advice. This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, so thank you for reading if you do.

TL;DR: I love my boyfriend but we have very different views on life. Not sure whether to stay or to break it off.

I’ve been dating my (21F) boyfriend (23M) for 7 months, we’ve known each other for about 11-12 months all together. He is a great boyfriend and I really do love him. He quickly became my best friend and he always has my back. He’s supportive, patient, kind. He’s the first man in my life to not use me and treat me like shit. He’s incredibly smart and he’s constantly making me laugh. He shows up when he says he’s going to, he never flakes on me. He knows me better than anyone else in the world. He is genuinely my best friend.

He’s a cop, who works the night shift so he has a pretty bad schedule. On top of that, we live about an hour and a half from each other. We try to make it work the best we can, usually seeing each other every other weekend and sometimes during the week if our schedules allow. He spends a lot of our time together asleep, which I understand. I don’t mind, but I have expressed to him that we need to do more and we have started going out on the weekends, which I’ve really enjoyed.

I’m his first official girlfriend (he’s gone on dates and slept with other women, but I’m the first one that he wanted to commit to) and there are certain things that I need that I don’t get from him. I’m someone that needs verbal validation, and he has a really hard time with that. I’ve told him a few times how I felt and he does try but its usually stuff like “you’re really cool” which is nice, sure. But sometimes I do need more than that and I’ve tried to tell him that and it’s just a never ending cycle. We also have very different views on life. I’m a “live in the now” kind of person, I like to travel, camp and just live my life. He’s more of a “prepare for the future” kind of person and he said he wants to retire early and then live. That’s something I don’t really understand, but to each their own. He’s planning on buying a house next year, but there hasn’t been any mention of us having a future together/moving in together eventually and that… kind of bothers me? I don’t think we should write it in stone, but our longterm future has never been mentioned. There are a couple other things that bother me, like how his room is pretty messy. It kind of makes me anxious when I’m there because I like having an organized room. I’ve offered to help him organize it and stuff but he gets a little upset when I mention it so I dropped that a while ago. I get that on his days off, he doesn’t want to do anything but relax because his job takes a lot out of him. But I just wish he’d clean his room lol. I smoke weed, but I can’t smoke it with him so that kind of sucks. He doesn’t care that I do, but he can’t (of course).

I guess I’m just a little lost and confused. Over the past month or so, I’ve been going back and forth in my head. Sometimes, I think that our differences are too big and that we should break up so we can find someone that fits our needs better. But the rest of the time, I’m reminded why I want to be with him. I don’t know if these feelings are normal or not, or if I’m overthinking things. This is the first healthy relationship I’ve been in, so I don’t really know what is normal. I dont know how I could break up with him and hurt him when I care about and love him as much as I do. He hasn’t done anything wrong, which is why this is so hard for me. In my past relationships, they’ve given me reasons to hate them. Hating someone is a lot easier than actively loving them and leaving.

1 comment
  1. He sounds extremely mature for his age, and quite a bit more mature than you w/regard to things like finances and responsibility. I don’t think you actually *do* fully appreciate the kind of stress his job carries and how much this will increase if the stays in law enforcement and moves up in his career. The weed smoking may not be a problem now, but it might be at some point.

    I’d say 7 months is pretty early to be talking about moving together and he doesn’t owe you that because *he* is buying a house for *himself*. That’s an investment that he’s earned, and it has nothing to do with you. You’re already nagging him about shit like cleaning so I can’t imagine he’s in any hurry to move in with you. This kind of stuff, messy/not messy is the stuff that doesn’t change much. Are you going to start being more messy because that’s how he likes it? The solution to this in any relationship is to just pay a neutral 3rd party to clean on a schedule (which is my personal fave) or learn to live with it.

    Things like how he expresses himself may evolve, but he’s probably not ever going to be that guy. You learn to appreciate the effort when it happens, or you decide you’re okay without it or you decide you can’t live without it and you move on.

    Overall you’re playing the this person would be perfect if they just changed all this stuff for me game, which usually means you should probably be with someone else if these things are deal breakers. This process is a lot of what relationships in your 20s should be, just figuring out what does and doesn’t work for you, what your boundaries are. Being wonderful doesn’t always mean they’re the one though.

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