I’ve known this guy for years and we were friends for a while. We started hooking up but his friends told me not to take it serious due to him being a cheater. I said okay.

Recently he adds me on social media and I was shocked but accepted it. We exchanged numbers and started to text.

I seen on social media a pic that says “happy 1 month” & I was like what?
I told my colleague and she suggested I ask “are you seeing anyone?” So I did and he stopped texting and the next day he says “no, are you?” I said “no.”

So we hang out a few times and everything and I see a picture of him with her. I was like “ok…”

We continue to talk but I kept getting a gut feeling to back off.

I see now that he’s been in a relationship with this girl for a year… (it’s been a year since he added me and started to talk)

I have screenshots of him admitting he was single and all that. Would you wanna know if your boyfriend cheated a year ago? Should I have messaged the girl right away? I didn’t wanna look “crazy”

I feel bad for her because I know his ways and I rejected him because of him being a cheater.

(GUYS THIS ALL HAPPENED A YEAR A GOOOO, I did drop him and I just seen the girl post that they have been dating for a year! Meanwhile he was talking to me. I’m asking is it even worth showing her he was cheating from a year ago)

  1. I would message the girl with the screen shots. And then stop taking to this guy

  2. Definitely message the girl with proof!! If it’s only been one month then Atleast the poor girlfriend hasn’t wasted too much of her time! And shed probably be grateful m!

  3. Girl, drop this dude from your life. He’s only playing with you. He doesn’t want you. And if he ever did choose you he’d be cheating behind your back.

    Don’t waste time with this anymore. If you cut him off you’re one step closer to finding a good partner who’s actually gonna be honest and respectful. You deserve better!

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