If you could go back to your early 20’s and take your life in a different direction, what would you do?

  1. Not marry. Not sure if would be better or worse. But at least wouldn’t care about it anymore.

  2. I wouldn’t take my life in a different direction, I like my life now, but I would definitely be more responsible with money and not blow it on drugs and useless stuff.

  3. Not early 20s, it was too late by then, but I’d change just one thing about my early teens. That is, I should have killed my entire family while i had the chance and get away with it.

  4. Would go to a different college in a more urban area, focus more on internships and have a more direct game plan than “help people and try to make a better world.” If you really want to do the latter, you need a strong game plan and an even stronger network.

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