Everyone is suddenly carrying these giant water bottles with time limits on them and drinking huge amounts of water is supposed to cure anything. Is it just a new orthorexic trend or can you pinpoint it more precisely?

  1. What does water cure? It cures dehydration. Is water healthy? Yes. Is it a new trend? No, humans have been drinking water since the advent of humans.

  2. People are trying to keep hydrated because its healthier for them. Chronic dehydration is horrible for your health.

  3. There are recommended amounts of water depending on body size, activity level, humidity, and temperature outside. You are more susceptible to heat illness if you’re dehydrated, and it’s hot in parts of the US. It was hot and humid enough earlier this week that you start having sweat on your eyelids.

  4. It’s water. It’s not a trend.

    I never liked drinking other beverages since I was a child. Always drank a lot of water. And for some reason people comment on it as if it’s weird to drink water. It shouldn’t be. You need it.

  5. My theory is that most of the population goes through life in a state of chronic subclinical dehydration, and the water-drinkers are on the right track.

  6. It’s water, it’s essential for life. AIUI though, it’s being misinterpreted(note: I’m not a doctor or scientist). You have to get that amount of water for the day but we pick up most of that from what we eat. So no, you don’t have to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

  7. I mean… I drank water out of those kinds of water bottles way back in 2003. Being hydrated isn’t really a trend. It’s just common sense.

  8. I think part of our prioritization on good hydration comes from living in a hotter climate. growing up in the south, the importance of being hydrated and recognizing certain heat-related dangers like heat stroke were drilled into my head. if you were going to be outside doing physical activity, an adult would remind you of these things.

    even now, living in a part of the country where it’s not as hot during the summer, it’s still so important. dehydration and heat aren’t things you want to play around with.

  9. The 8 glasses of water a day thing is mostly made up. However, if you aren’t well hydrated it’s not a bad thing to drink about half your body weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150, you should drink 75oz of water. Another good method for staying hydrated is drinking when you are thirsty, of course this only works if you are hydrated to begin with. I focus a bit on hydration and typically I’m downing a bit more fluids on days that I sit around than days that I’m being physically active. Why? Cause being hydrated started way before you go out and sweat a ton.

  10. In the States, this is not a new trend. We were taught 8 glasses of water per day back in the 1970s. (ETA – yes I realize the origin of this guidance). If it’s new in Germany, then I’m guessing it’s related to the recent heat wave in Europe. I will say, I almost always feel dehydrated when I’ve been to Western Europe – there just isn’t the same easy access to (free) water nor the same focus on staying adequately hydrated.

  11. Currently pregnant here and I notice a night and day difference when I drink huge amount of water daily. I probably should have been drinking more this whole time.

    OP, try it for a week or two and see if you feel better or the same. Personally I feel amazing when I am super hydrated so I’ve been keeping up with it.

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