Hi Reddit
I need some advice from you guys please. For contacts I’m 25 f and my bf is 25m. Sorry if things don’t make sense or are not grammatically correct I’m dyslexic.

Basically my bf of 7 years, comes home and tells me he cheated on me by kissing another girl. we have dealt with cheating in the past. He cheated on me in the beginning earlier stages of our relationship but we moved past that (it’s not the same person he cheated with before). I’m at a lost of what to do. He went out last night after work with some friends and when he came back he looked super scared and sat down and was like I need to tell you that I’ve kissed someone. I was sort in shock and he explained how he sometimes talks to this person at work and everyone was drinking And he went in for a kiss and started feeling around but it was stopped by her pulling away. At this point I was like “so you would carry on and even gone further as she didn’t stop it” And all he had to say was sorry. He said it would go if I wanted him too. I told him to go. And that as far as I know.

I’m at a loss of what to do or think, we have been together a long time and for the most part I would say our relationship has been good and happy. However the past couple months has been a bit of a strain. I was in my final year of uni and the stress sort made me not affectionate or sort of present in our relationship. our sex life was a low point but we literally spoke about this a couple day ago and communicator wants and desires and was working towards being better to each other. On the whole I would say our relationship is very good in the communication department.

Please give me some advice I’m scared of what the outcome could be and I just need some idea what to do. I’m seeing after work today to talk about things but I’m so unsure what to do

  1. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I truly believe it’s best to let go of this guy. Priorities and values do not line up with each other, and there is no excuse for cheating. I know this likely isn’t an answer you want but you deserve much better than this. you will find peace.

  2. Honestly, I wouldn’t give up on the relationship yet.

    He honestly told you about what happened, didn’t even try to hide it from you. I think it’s really important that he gave you a chance to decide whether you still want to be with him knowing what he did.

    There are a few things that you guys need to figure out:
    – Do both of you want to stay together and work on the relationship?
    – Why did it happen? (What’s lacking in the relationship? Why did he seek it outside of the relationship? Why didn’t he bring it up?)
    – Why would it be different in the future? (What’s preventing him from cheating again?)

    If both of you are willing to work things out, I’m sure you guys will be just fine ❤️❤️ Stay strong!

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