Men, what’s the best piece of advice given to you that applies to your life today?

  1. From my dad :

    Keep a coat in your car regardless of the weather.
    Get gas before you need it.

    I never listened to the first one until I got rear ended on the interstate while it was snowing and I didn’t even have a light jacket. I’m one of those people who wears short sleeves in December for context as well. So I’m standing out side my car talking to the cops and everyone just shaking.

  2. I’ve learned to play it safe in life but not too safe. Before she got a boyfriend, would asking the girl that I like actually like me back? Would me actually committing to learn drums be worth it. Never too late but it’s now harder to do now then it was back then. Just do it.

  3. Never be scared of failure, but if you must fail, you fail forward. It’s during those time that meaningful growth occurs.

    Never be scared to ask the pretty girl out for dinner, what’s she going to say “no?” Cool, you have your answer, and respect that answer, but you don’t have to live with “what if.”

  4. Failure is partial success. It was an attempt which carries a lesson. Learn it and apply it the next time.

  5. Got this one from reddit. “Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet.” The best thing about the phrase is that whether you take it literally or as a metaphor, it still works.

  6. “no matter how messy anything gets, you can always clean it up”

    – God (played by Morgan Freeman)

  7. Dad: Debt isn’t wealth. He used to tell me that every time we admired someones fancy car or boat.

  8. Save money where you can, but spend the money on nice work boots and a good mattress. If you stand at work, you spend a third of your life in those boots and hopefully another third on that mattress.

  9. If u feel like everybody hates you, you should go to bed, and, if you hate everybody, you should probably eat

  10. The old if you are on time you are already 15 min late.

    There are a handful of meetings or work presentations that would have gone very south if I was not there with time to pivot when things went wrong.

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