What do you think women do to get ready for a date? Also what do you expect them to do before a date?

  1. I hope she takes a shower and puts on some clean cloth…basically the same thing I would do. Don’t overdo it, but look nice and smell nice should be the minimum.

  2. Furiously masturbate so she won’t be too desperate for my 4” of fury.

  3. Shower shave and put on something they think is appealing?

    I expect them to dress appropriately for the occasion (dress/nicer clothes for multiple course dinner. Cozier stuff for hikes or movies). I do not care if they wear makeup or shave, so that is on them. Realy i want someone who is comfortable, so conversation can flow with less effort from both sides. Doing whatever makes them confident is what i would expect.

  4. If she’s anything like me, she’ll get anxious about six hours prior, have like 8 nervous shits and debate calling a raincheck.

  5. Shower, and be prepared for the type of date. If we’re going for coffee there’s no need to put in tonnes of effort, if we’re going hiking she needs to wear practical clothes and bring a water bottle. I don’t need over the top makeup and clothes, she doesn’t even need to shave if she doesn’t want to. I want her to be sensible

  6. As many already stated, come clean, with decent clothing.
    I would also say, as a Nordic person, to not expect to get everything payed, but splitting the bill.
    Show, not only decent behaviour, but decent manners as well.

  7. Pretty themselves up and I don’t expect them to do anything!!!🤷🏻‍♂️

  8. Try on 47 diff wardrobe choices in order to find the right look that she wants to exude, sends to friends for confirmation.

    Then, goes over the ‘emergency fake phone call rescue’ plan with friend; jussst in case the date doesn’t pan out.


  9. It doesn’t really matter.

    Honestly one the best dates (and one that led to a 1 month fling) was with this girl that had pretty bad BO that I could smell when I hugged her. But she was ridiculously hot with an amazing body, so I couldn’t care less if she didn’t even shower before the date.

  10. What I think they do: shower, shave, pick something nice to wear, put on make up, wear perfume, talk about it with her friends.

    What I expect them to do: shower, wear nice clothes that show what their style is. I want to see how they look like daily, that’s what I’m going to see most of the time when we’re out.

  11. **What she actually does before a date:**

    Talks to her friends about it a lot

    Go shopping for an outfit

    Try on at least ten

    Stress out because she can’t find one she likes

    Wish she’d done some kind of fad diet

    Eventually find a nice one but it’s expensive

    Have a crisis because she cant decide if she likes the guy enough to spend that much

    Buy it on credit card anyway

    Think about taking it back later

    Try something new with makeup

    Hate the new makeup

    Try something new with hair

    Hate that too

    Seriously consider a crazy fad diet


    Shave legs

    Shave cooch

    Worry that shaving cooch makes it seem like she’s already decided she’ll have sex

    Pluck eyebrows

    Try to find nice underwear

    Put it on but it’s really uncomfortable and flosses her butt crack

    Put on expensive outfit

    Have a crisis because it doesn’t look as nice as it did in the shop

    Take it off and seriously think about crying

    Pull herself together and do something she’s done before with hair and makeup, put expensive outfit back on, realise she’s now late

    Show up at date and try to pretend she hasn’t just been through a personal hell

    **What I’d really like her to do before a date:**


    Put on her favorite jeans and a top

    Wear whatever makeup makes her feel pretty

    Put hair in ponytail

    Show up on time happy, horny and confident

  12. Depends on the girl, her intentions and what kind of date we’re going on.

    My expectations arent massive. Be on time and put in a little bit of effort in appearance. I will do the same.

  13. What i think she does: Clean up, put on some perfume, pick out a nice outfit, probably shave legs etc.

    What i hope she does: Pack some money so we can split the bill.

  14. Going on experience, sit around and try to think up a excuse for why she can’t make it. Then she’ll give up and not bother calling to let me know she’s not coming.

  15. Takes a heavy dump and last minute piss before walking out of her house.

  16. Slaighter a lamb, spin around 42 times in a circle while reciting Eminem’s Rap God, then saying a prayer to Shub-Niggurath. This triggers a Sailor Moon -style transformation sequence at the end of which the woman is ready for a date.

  17. Who cares about any of that? Just don’t show up at a different table with somebody else and we’re good to go.

  18. What I did to get ready for the date to meet my now boyfriend of almost 3 years: hang out with my sister to get pumped up and reduce anxiety. Make a mental checklist of things I want to make sure I ask and learn about him and another list for things I definitely don’t want to say about myself just yet. Take 1 to 2 poops and then some immodium just in case I get too nervous again. Change outfits about 3 times, go for something modest but still shows off enough to keep the eye but not so much you look like you’re giving it away. Take too long to pick the right perfume. Even longer to pick a hairstyle. Try to do your makeup even though its probably expired because the last date you went on was years ago. Then end up arriving 30 minutes late because your sister parked behind you and she was too busy to move her car. Went great though!!

  19. I assume and expect that they shower, dress and are mentally prepared to meet another human being.

  20. Nails, pedi, eye lash extensions, outfit, 2 pairs of shoes, wash tf out of everything, moisturize, make up, hair, clean they car.

    Just show up and be genuine.

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