Me (30) and my fiancé (30) have been together for over 5 years. I started pumping my cock a few months ago we noticed a difference. She always told me that I my size was good. But I’m not sure why to me it didn’t seem like it was.

Fast forward to today she tells me that it hurts more and now and it’s too fat(6inch girth). I always get her off first by eating her out to help with the relaxation and wetness. But I can’t have as much sex with her because she gets sore and wants me to let her 🐱 rest. I selfishly thought being bigger would help our sex life oddly enough it’s having a negative impact…. Plus my sex drive has always been super high…

1 comment
  1. There’s a common disconnect between men and women on this issue: men are far more likely to feel their size is insufficient, when on the contrary, their partners are perfectly happy with it.

    The first thing that needs to happen is a discussion between you and your fiancé. If she preferred your penis the way it was, then you should have absolutely nothing to fear regarding your size. Fortunately, penis pumps at best bring only temporary growth unless you’re overdoing it and stretching the tendons too much. It very much sounds to me like stopping the practice is the solution you’re looking for.

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