My friend and I (19M) got tickets for a concert but he just found out he might not be able to go. I tried asking some other friends if they wanted to buy his ticket so I didn’t have to go by myself but I haven’t had any luck with that so far. I have been wanting to go watch this artist for a while but now it seems like my options are limited to selling or going solo. Since this is a reggaeton concert I was wondering how it might affect the whole vibe. Initially I didn’t wanna go alone but should I look at it as an opportunity to meet new people? I’ve never been to a concert alone so I’m also anxious and idk how hard it might be to meet new people there. I’d appreciate any input/ advice.

  1. You may meet new people or you may simply vibe alone. Both are different yet valid.

  2. Go for it ma dude. I wanted go to a concert but no one could make it. I had the same concerns as yours but i went anyway. To conclude, i had my fun.

  3. dude go have fun! a lot of times i end losing my friends in the crowd and just vibe by myself and some other people i meet there

  4. Going to concerts alone is a little intimidating at first, but you get used to it pretty fast! Have you been to concerts before in general? I’d say that it might be a little harder to go to a first show alone, but if you know how they are generally speaking it’s not bad at all.

    Before the show, unless you think parking or traffic will be an issue, feel free to get there not too long before the first band goes on. As a solo concert goer it’s both challenging to lock down a front row spot anyways (as if you have to use the restroom or anything that gets squandered so no use stressing over it) and also easier to move through the crowd once the show starts than it is with a group, so there’s not much need to get there too early. I like to arrive like 15-20 minutes early tops to get settled, and get a drink or whatever, but try to not to get there too much earlier if I can help it lol.

    While any band is playing, it’s no different really than going with a friend. Usually you won’t be chatting your friends up during the set anyways, so just enjoy it~

    Between sets is the tricky part. Passing time on your phone is always viable. If you’re feeling sociable or chatty, feel free to talk to and meet people around you, check out the merch table, hit the restroom, etc. etc.

    Then after the show if you’ve made some new friends during you can chat them up, or go get merch if you want to, or just leave.

    Overall it’s a great experience! I started going to shows alone only in my mid-20’s, but wish that I had started doing so sooner. Missed a lot of shows I really wanted to see because I couldn’t find anyone to go lol

  5. Part of being at a concert is the sense of a broader community. Go for it and enjoy!

  6. Why wouldn’t you just give this ticket to another friend, rather than trying to sell it to them?

  7. I (26M) have gone to several rock/metal concerts this year alone and it’s not a big deal. Better with friends, I’m sure, but a good crowd is a good crowd and a good band is a good band.

    Don’t know about the reggaeton experience but as long as you’re not high as a kite you should be fine going alone.

    The other commenter noting that the downtime between bands is dull is very accurate — try to talk to the people around you, otherwise you’ll be staring at your phone for twenty minutes.

  8. 100% go alone. it’s super fun. introduce yourself to strangers. smile and dance and have fun. be confident that you showed up alone but that doesn’t mean you are alone. you’re surrounded by a bunch of people with a shared interest – the artist! so no doubt people there will be happy to chat to a stranger (you)


    try to not be concerned about being alone there. most people think it’s cool that you would show up solo and still rock and have a good time. you’re doing what you want to do. have a good fricking time mate

  9. Go for it. Just go to anyone and explain your situation and end the sentence with “you mind some company?”
    What’s the worst that can happen? Your anyway there for the artist, so why not enjoy it with others that want to do the same. It’s only a win win.

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