My best friend and I met in middle school but when we became adults, it became harder to be friends. She was not showing the same maturity and would gaslight and guilt me into hanging out with her. She had a very hard time getting used to my relationship with my boyfriend and getting less time with me and admitted being jealous. She also is very negative and had a habit of kind of not being super happy when something good happens in my life.

I started telling white lies to avoid hanging out and haven’t initiated text conversations for a long time. I figured out how bad she was really treating me when I didn’t see her during Covid. I had much less stress and have been much happier with just my boyfriend. I haven’t really wanted to hang out with her since, but have always left a day free to spend some time together.

The most adult thing she has said was her text putting things on pause, wishing my boyfriend and I well.

I was a loner before we met and was perfectly fine, so I don’t have any problems giving up the friendship-especially since it became emotionally draining to only hear complaints about her life. I hope she figures out a way to be happy without having to rely on other people and finds a healthy way to solve her other problems to get her life on a better path.

I just want to know on how long I should wait before considering it over? She never said “let’s convene in \*amount of time\* to see where we stand”.

**TLDR; best friend and I put a pause on our friendship without a time table and want to know what a good length of time is to give it before deeming it over.**

  1. If she’s not a very good friend who treats you badly, why do you care? Just consider the friendship over and move on

  2. Pause is probably the best thing for you. It didn’t end in a blowout fight or anything but clearly you 2 are on two different levels at the moment. Sounds like she needs to mature.

  3. Consider it over.

    When you’re ready, you’ll talk.

    I hope she changes her (manipulative) behaviors. I’m sure she is going through a hard time and has difficulty breaking out of a negative mindset. For you to continue the friendship, you’re going to need to see changes in her, I think.

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