Do you guys ever say “ok I’m going to sleep ttyl” every time you are texting a friend or you just knock out then continue the following morning. I think it’s kinda rude especially if they are the ones who started the convo, I feel like if you say that it makes them feel like I don’t want to talk anymore.

Am I wrong ? Is that bad social skills?

How would you feel? As a male or female.

  1. If the convo picks up, i feel okay. Id feel like poo because i probably messaged you out of boredom, and now im still bored. But atleast were still friends.

  2. 26m it’s not rude it’s self respect. Texting is a passive form of communication and an accessory to the better forms. If you want to keep a friendship you should be meeting up, talking on the phone, hopping on discord together, playing games together etc most people have a lot going on and time away to text especially when it ends up going nowhere gets old fast

  3. I personally think it’s respectful to actually announce the end of the conversation, even via text. While texting is passive, you can still hold back and forth conversation, and those become similar to calls or in-person conversation where it’s rude to just hang up or walk away without “announcing the end”.

  4. I thought I knew what you were asking, but I’m not sure. When I’m done texting someone I say goodbye or goodnight or something.
    Not all the time though.
    If it’s an ongoing conversation, then they’re exempt from saying good night or goodbye unless you’re cutting them off.
    It’s just common sense and common courtesy.
    My suggestion would be that you do your very best to be polite and courteous, as well as sensitive to their feelings.
    That’s your job. If you do it well you’ll be happy you’ve done the right thing.
    All those other people, they can do whatever.
    I do notice that there’s a chunk of people that kind of act like you’re standing by them when they text and there’s no need for any hi’s or bye’s.
    That’s weird.

  5. Hmm depends. If I’m about to fall asleep and knocked out before getting the chance to say I’m going to sleep, I don’t find it rude. I’m sleepy and I’m going to sleep, period. I stayed up bc I enjoyed the conversation/person I’m texting with but I will fall asleep eventually whether I remember or not.

    If I can muster up the little bit of energy to let them know I’m going to stop texting and sleep, then cool.

  6. I’d say usually the texts for the day just end naturally. And then we pick it up later tomorrow.

    But if we are like actively discussing something and I’m gonna go to bed, I announce it.

  7. It depends on the person for me. I won’t say goodnight/goodbye to my best friend, bc we’re close, and we easily pick up the conversation later on. We also text almost constantly, but it’s spread throughout the day, so we’re aware of and okay with big gaps of time in the conversation. The same goes for other people I’m really close to like certain family members.

    For more casual friends, I would say something like “Hey, I’m about to head to bed/work/etc. Goodnight/Goodbye!” and maybe add a “talk to you later” if I don’t want the conversation to end. The thing is, though, if someone just stopped texting me, I personally wouldn’t be upset. I’d assume they’re sleeping, at work, or just busy with something else. If they want to keep chatting afterwards, they’ll respond. If they forget, that’s fine. I can always reach out again. Now, if I’m the only one reaching out and giving gas to the conversation, I MYSELF may just stop talking lol.

    So….I guess the short answer is it depends on the person? And also y’all’s relationship? My rule of thumb seems to be ‘take the time to excuse myself if I’m interested in continuing communication later unless they’re close to me’ (and even then, people you’re close to might have different needs/boundaries)

  8. If the conversation does not go, I don’t reply anymore, seems pretty obvious they won’t reply you out of interest, don’t want to talk to you, etc.

  9. 99% of the time my conversations with people are long ongoing things without a particular start or end, so i don’t typically conclude things like that most of the time.

    The only scenario that I can think of where I would formally let someone know like that is if we were having a serious conversation about something that one or the other of us needed to get off our chest or confide in the other or whatever. In those scenarios I think it’s polite to let them know that you can’t continue to chat for now, but can pick it up tomorrow or another time if needed.

  10. When I feel like the conversation is over I stop replying. It’s not rude. Ignoring a question may be. But ignoring a reaction to something I said isn’t rude

  11. If I (22f) am keeping up a steady texting conversation and I have to go do something for longer than a couple minutes, I say “brb”

    When I’m ready to go to sleep, I try to squeeze in a “hey, I gotta get some sleep! But I’ll talk to you later. goodnight” something of that nature

    If it’s my partner, I am always clear with what’s happening, and we always say goodnight to each other. With my friends, I am not as good about it. I’m not a fan of the random leaving the conversation with no reason tactic, haha. But I’m definitely not perfect.

    Sometimes the texting conversation dries up and gets awkward, but that’s rarely anyones fault. It just happens sometimes

  12. For me (M26), I don’t say things like “goodnight” unless I’m texting after a certain time (like when I’m tired and need to sleep). Though, I do feel kinda disappointed if I say it and they don’t say it back, but it’s not the end of the world.

  13. I honestly prefer someone to just stop texting. Most text conversations dwindle and end naturally after lols or one worded responses. I find that to be most appropriate.

  14. Tbh, I sleep a lot, and I’m kinda spacey. I honest to God just fall asleep without thinking about it, and I usually just apologize later on if they’ve been waiting for a response and explain that I was asleep and nobody’s had an issue with this so far. I’m also bad at replying to texts in general because I get distracted

  15. It depends. I don’t usually think it’s rude unless we’re talking about something important or I’m really into a convo. Idk. It can be bothersome sometimes and I do appreciate it when someone actually tells me what’s going on before vanishing for a few hours lol but it’s not something that makes me utterly mad. I actually do it too sometimes so I can’t really complain. Sometimes you’re busy or tired or you just don’t want to text that much and it’s okay! You don’t need to give explanations all the time. It actually feels kind of “restricting” imo. So yeah, like I said, I don’t usually care. Oh but if it’s my boyfriend…😅 In that case I have to be properly informed lmao but I’d still understand if he gets knocked out once in a while and doesn’t get the chance to tell me

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