Continue as planned, with in reason? Change to a stay at home? Etc?

  1. Continue if I’m not in pain or feeling sick.

    If I’m not up to it, bubble bath and cuddles!

  2. Depends how I feel. If it’s really painful, I would prefer to stay home and maybe watch a movie etc. If not, we can continue as planned.

  3. Continue. Unless it’s particularly bad or painful. My period rarely stops me getting on with my normal life.

  4. Continue as normal. I’ve dealt with my period long enough that I don’t let it affect my life anymore.

  5. I don’t date people who have issues with period sex anymore so we just proceed as planned, perhaps with a dark-covered towel laid down before sex. I might be a little slower-moving because of cramps also.

  6. I’ve never changed anything about my dates for a period LOL. If he’s into period sex, I’m down. If he’d rather not, there are other things we can do.

    A few guys I’ve dated in the past didn’t seem to care about the heaviness of my flow, which surprised me, cuz I’m not talking about “tee hee a little blood on a towel” — when we were done it looked like a goddamned murder scene complete with big, random clots. I’m shocked the guys weren’t revolted, but they were into it.

    On the other hand, my husband has never seemed much into the period sex, so we just do other things. I would never pressure someone to engage with my bodily fluids in a way that makes them uncomfortable, just like I would never want to be with a man who expected me to do things with his bodily fluids I wasn’t comfortable with.

  7. Proceed with the date. I’m fortunate enough that I rarely get cramps but if I do, they don’t knock me on my ass. I’ve never tried period sex (only had one sexual partner and we did it twice) but I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all if my partner was still interested.

  8. my period usually hits me like a truck so staying in and doing a relaxing activity 😀

  9. It’s pretty rare that cramps get in the way of my life so I’d want to continue as planned for our date unless I say something. For sex I prefer to swap to non-penetrative/non-PIV if I’m on my period.

  10. I’d still go out, unless I way having really bad cramps. No reason to cancel the night, just slap a pad on and you’re good to go.

  11. If it’s not painfuö we go out anyway. It’s rare that my pdriod get to be heavy/painful.

    If other things on plan, depends on him if he wants even with blood involved

  12. We continue as normal. Just put a towel down to eliminate any blood on the sheets

  13. We’d have to cancel. I’m not a functional person on the first day of my period.

  14. Continue as planned. And don’t say anything stupid. Take me to the kitties.

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