So for context, I (21F) have a full on 70s bush. It’s only been razored off once by my mom when I was about 13 and I hated it, so I’ve just never bothered with that whole side of grooming. I keep it clean but that’s about it.

In terms of confidence, I have no problem with my bush from a looks standpoint, but what I’m worried about is from a functional aspect I guess. A guy and I are planning to have sex relatively soon, but I’ve never done it before and have been worried about my bush making things difficult.

I’ve been looking at my vagina and it’s like I can barely see it with all the hair. Does having this much of a bush hinder penetration at all? Would his penis be able to even go in properly with all this hair? (It kinda looks like it’s coming out of my vagina but idk)

  1. There might be a bit of difficulty finding the hole, and a bit of pulling, and he may be reluctant licking your pussy, but with a bit of spreading, you should be fine.

  2. >It’s only been razored off once by my mom when I was about 13 and I hated it

    What the fuck

  3. To me there is no problem and to me it’s a real turn on. Many guys would love it so much but some, in fact, may not. Do what you feel good for you, do what makes you feel comfortable. Trim it if you think it’s too big, or keep it and tell your partner it’s your preference. Many men would die to have a chance to have with someone with 70s bush! And I heard complaints about it but I hard as well that there is not too much difference while having sex with those hair.

  4. You’ll be fine. The fuzzy part won’t make it hard to find the wet part.

    Kudos to you, I’m personally a fan of a nice bush. You may want to consider trimming if it’s a bit unruly, just for appearances, but that’s your call.

  5. I love a full bush and never once had an issue with penetrating. Only issue (very minor) was performing oral I would occasionally get a few hairs in my mouth. Yes I like them shaved also but always think I’m having sex with someone below legal age. Scary.

  6. Hey! You got nothing to worry. You would be able to know what to do once you’ve had sex. Don’t speculate! Go with the flow!

  7. Don’t worry! I have a full bush too and sex is perfectly fine!

    The only thing is that sometimes a hair can get in between, which feels like a little friction. But then just move the hairs a little bit and you’re ready to go again.

    Have fun your first time!

  8. No it doesn’t hinder at all speaking from past relationships before the bads ones happened

  9. love a bush but this is all preference and penetration shouldn’t be an issue worse case scenario you can guide him as everyone else said but if he does enjoy going down on you, you might want to slightly trim the vagina’s outer skirts and just keep the pubes

  10. Will not be an issue but if you are concerned. You could try to meet half way. Use a beard trimmer set to 5 or 6mm. You get to keep your bush, look neater, and less chance of hair in his mouth if he goes down. You will not get itch from it just makes it neater locking and lighter since the hairs are shorter. Even better no ingrown hairs.

  11. If there’s protection it doesn’t really matter. With out protection it’s nice if it’s trimmed cuz the hair tends to friction against me and can be itchy.

    And then there can be hair in your mouth when going down.

    These are just my minor inconveniences as a male. Never stopped me though.

  12. “does bush hinder penetration”

    Not usually but if you’re having trouble you can always step out from behind it and use the foot path

  13. As a man I can say that a bush won’t stop me from having fun or going down or penetration, but a little trim is appreciated, it doesnt need to be clean shaved or have one of those unicorn bush shapes. I cannot answer for other guys but honestly I like a bit of hair down there.

  14. No, a bush will not make penetration difficult, if you want it shorter you can trim it with scissors or an electric razor with a guard instead of shaving which is a bit uncomfortable and it takes more time to do it correctly

  15. I’m currently growing one out because my partner says he prefers that, and because I hate dealing with ingrown hairs and stubble. You can trim it a bit, but shaving a full bush is a long and hard process so I wouldn’t do it if I were you, especially considering you haven’t done it before.

  16. As a man that wouldn’t be a problem, but make sure to properly wash before and after sex.

    Shaving became more common in the mid 80s because of bikini shrinking but also because crabs were way more common.

  17. Does NOT affect penetration at all. Nothing wrong with trimming it a bit with an electric razor. That would only be for aesthetics if you so chose

  18. When I was younger, I had a full 70s bush. It’s slightly embarrassing to talk about, but I did notice once that before sex, I got wet, and I was wearing panties, so everything was sort of bunched together. It got tangled and took a minute of detangling. My partner was not very understanding and it sort of ruined the mood. That’s just one standalone experience though. I don’t recall having issues with it outside of that, but I was so embarrassed after the experience that I buzzed it down.

  19. I had a burn on my shaft from a lady with the fullest bush I ever saw, we used plenty of lube after that no insertion problem whatsoever

  20. I’m a huge fan of a big bush, it’s a personal taste sort of thing. Many men and women prefer shaved, or trimmed, but lots still love the 70’s big banging bush. Does it present some issues for some people some of the time? Sure. But so does shaving (razor burns, nicks, scratches, stubble, ingrown hairs etc). It’s common to for guys and gals to have a little trouble “finding the hole” on their first time and a wonderful thick forest might leave someone a little lost. Easy solution? Part the whole thing with your hands right down the middle and gently spread yourself so it’s on full display. It’s fun to see it all opening up anyway!

  21. Bush does not hinder penetration at all! You keep your vagina however you like and don’t listen to what others say.

    If you like your bush then wear it proudly.

    I personally like hairy, trimmed, or smooth areas. Besides who doesn’t love a vintage piece of art?

  22. Nah it’s not gonna stop anything. Personally I prefer the feeling of skin to skin (when both people shave) but other than that who cares.

  23. It doesn’t hinder penetration it all.

    It will probably make giving oral to you slightly more complicated. Depending on the ‘denseness’ of said bush, he may need to use one or both hands to keep it out of the way so he can reach you with his mouth. Even if that is necessary, it’s not the end of the world, but generally there’s something nicer those hands could be doing that you’d probably enjoy more (fingering you, caressing you somewhere else, etc.)

    I’d recommend playing around a bit with trimming it. Shaving it bald feels VERY different from trimming it. You could use scissors or any kind of hair trimming buzzer. Don’t go close at all, just try maybe cutting half or a third off the end and see how that feels/looks. You may find you like it better! If not, don’t do it again.

  24. Probably feel some pubes going in which feel a little odd but that’s about it. I’ve felt the strings from an IUD and although I don’t enjoy feeling them it doesn’t really hinder sex.

  25. I’ve been with some super hairy hippy women and bush never made penetration more difficult. Like at all, even in the tiniest amount. Now it can make oral slightly more difficult, in that you have to push down some of the hair so it doesn’t get too far in my mouth and cause gagging but that has only happened t me once. Personally I love bush and it makes me happy to know some women out there are rocking 70s bush.

  26. It has zero effect other than aesthetically.

    Be prepared that some men may be turned off by your bush. Shaved pubes have been normalized and a lot of guys think hairy pussy is gross.

    I’m not suggesting you shave or trim, just saying you can expect that feedback, which I find ridiculous myself, but that’s the world we live in.

    I love hairy pussy, and trimmed pussy, but some people (guys) have very strong opinions and will feel entitled to tell anybody how they should manicure their private parts as if it’s any of their business.

    You do you.

  27. It doesn’t hinder it. But if you want to. Make it easier for the both of you. Go with a trimmer. It’s fast and easy. It doesn’t give srubbles and you’ll both be fine.

  28. I prefer full pubic topiary and have never found it to be a hindrance!!!! I’m a dude, BTW.

  29. This whole conversation is weird: no woman is obligated to to anything, and many women like their men to Manscape, which also doesn’t mean bald.

  30. I don’t think it’s technical problem and it’d stop you from getting penetrated but some men just don’t like it to be hairy.

    Anyway, if you feel good with yourself this way, I don’t think you should change it.

  31. I’m from the south, my mom never did anything like this. In fact, she never taught me anything about body hair except to tell me that our skin doesn’t react well to waxing (we are incredibly fair skinned). I had to figure it all out on my own. Flash forward to my mid-30s and I’ve finally started waxing, it’s totally fine, and I’ve figured out what works for me.
    Just here to say that no one should ever try to dictate what you do with your body hair.

  32. Maybe an actual bush but even then, if there is a will – someone will find a way into that vagina.

  33. I ask my man to keep his full bush. I want to feel it on my skin and have it in my face when I’m going down on him.

    My guy prefers I trim my hush, though. I’ll have amazing sex with him regardless, but I will get his mouth on my pussy more often if I trim.

    That being said, bush is completely normal for humans to have and it in no way hinders the actual act of penetration.

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