Hoping to hear from anyone who has been through this issue.

  1. i dont know, but I think if you reach the sex stage it won’t matter that much

  2. I wouldn’t tell her anything. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

  3. I feel like when you get to that…you talk through it and say it. Like you know when your getting to that stage in a relationship. Flings are dif.

  4. Honestly, if I had an embarrassingly small penis…I wouldn’t even bother dating.

  5. If things get to the point where you’re about to have sex, before the clothes come off, just say “Wait. Before this goes any further, you should know…” and that’s when you tell them. They’ll make a decision at that point that will determine if things continue or stop there. Hopefully it will be the former of the two. You don’t want to be letting them know on the first date though.

  6. Always been in the habit of making little dick jokes about myself. I’ve had comments ranging from it’s huge to it’s not even little so setting it up for them thinking it’s very little tends to leave them with the opposite reaction once they’ve seen it. Gotta make it humourous though or it just sounds super sad. I may not touch the back but I’ll beat the shit outta the sides.

  7. Why do you have to tell her? It’s your body man, you can’t change it and that’s fine. If it’s a micropenis then that’s different because it’s a health issue. But know that penetration ain’t everything, you can use hands and mouth too. Good luck

  8. Woman here. Got a small pp? Own it. I’ve dated guys with all sizes and the one that I still fondly think about had the smallest one. But boy, did he have the moves and confidense. And if a woman is crazy about a man, penis size is irrelevant. Trust me on this one.

  9. If it’s larger than micro I don’t really know why you would need the conversation. I think it’s more important to men than it is to 90% of the women I know.

  10. Instead of sending the Eggplant emoji, send ’em the pinching hand emoji.

    Seriously, I’d keep this info to yourself until the moment of discovery/exposure. Do not disqualify yourself in discussion what might not be a “big” issue in practice.

  11. Go out on a date to a hotdog place, ask her if she can handle your hotdog at “precedes to eat down to your actual size” this and wait for a reaction 😉

  12. Just to say if anyone is genuinely curious I don’t mind showing but please not total weirdos

  13. Size has little to do with the experience, unless you get off on hearing how big it is.

  14. “Listen girl, I have a tiny cock, but I fuck like the government. ”

    ” I may have a needle dick, but I fuck like a sewing machine”

    ” my father was a mouse”

    ” keep looking, it’s down there I swear!”

    ” if 500 more people donate, I’ll finally be able to get the penile enlargement, want me to send you the go fund me link?”

    ” I mean, i can use my thumb, I guess”

    ” I certainly won’t bottom out, but I’ll beat up the sides”

  15. Tell her beforehand, before it reaches the sex stage so that she can figure out if being with a small man is something that she wants or doesn’t.

  16. I’d prefer if he doesn’t tell me that. Why add unnecessary stress to yourself beforehand? It’ll most likely have a detrimental effect on your performance, as if first-time sex with a new partner isn’t already anxiety-inducing enough.

  17. Absolutely do not wait till your about to have sex to drop this bomb depending on the woman it can be a scaring experience. Wait till you get to know her then tell her about it also listen to what the others are saying learn to use the tongue and fingers and you might not even need your penis. There are also sex toys keep them on hand they can help you. It’s hard being smaller most women are turned off by it don’t get angry at them its not their fault just show her your willing and able to go the extra miles for her pleasure. Don’t forget to have fun with it tease her make her laugh and make sure you’re enjoying it to.

  18. Women usually don’t orgasm from penetration alone, so you can work you hands and mouth and use toys while having sex. Don’t be embarrassed about it just work it and enjoy the experience of each other.

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