My (25F) boyfriend (30M) and I are almost two years into our relationship and we are having A LOT of sex. Sometimes 2-3 times a day, and the sessions are getting longer and longer. Literally last night we edged together for 2 hours.

I love it, it feels incredibly fantastic, but I don’t hear of other couples having sex so much so I wonder if it’s too much?

Our friendship/relationship started off long distance so there were hours of talking that we really connected us and what made me fall in love with him. There was also a point in our lives where we just were too busy to meet up, and I was also taking it slow to have sex with him at first, but now it’s much less talking and a whole lot of fucking.

Idk, am I overthinking?

  1. It’s only too much if it’s negatively impacting your lives. If you’re both happy and still handling all of your responsibilities outside of sex, then you’re definitely overthinking it.

  2. Don‘t worry, you have all the sex others don‘t have, its going to even out the statistics.

  3. If your both happy then it’s really healthy. I’ve had issues with femal partner keeping up with my drive previously so I hope thta gets better the next time

  4. I think it’s great to just give into it. There are times in my life where sex 2-3x a day was the bare minimum/ norm, and there are also months I go without having sex. Life has its ebbs and flows that way

  5. > I don’t hear of other couples having sex so much so I wonder if it’s too much?

    do you hear much of *anything* about others couple’s sex lives?

  6. Your overthinking, what’s normal for others might not be normal for you guys.

    As long as either if you aren’t feeling forced or required to have sex, then have fun.

    As an edit,

    My gf and I have sex often, depending on work/life schedules. It could be once a day or 6+ times a day. (free use kink fyi). There are even days she will come to my office for lunch and she is frisky and I get a bj or a quickie. It’s our normal.

    Your normal just maybe 2 to 3 times a day. Enjoy it.

  7. it’s not too much unless you think it is, everyone is different. I’ve happily had 7 sex sessions in one day, I’ve happily had one 4 hour sex session, I’ve also happily only had sex once in one day. everyone is different, so long as you enjoy it, go for it

  8. It is totally up to you and him. As long as it isn’t effecting your day to day life go for it! To me there is no number as to how much sex you are supposed to have or not have it’s up to the couple. Have fun and enjoy it don’t overthink it

  9. If everything is going great, then you’re fine. This makes sense if the relationship was originally long distance actually, because you lack having actual physical sex in a long distance relationships among other things, that when you finally meet up in person, sex itself would become a serious luxury. It also depends on the libido between you and him and so far you two seem like you’re on the same level.

    If you feel like its too much, you have the right to slow down and have less sex and so does he, especially if there isn’t much in communication or hobbies outside of sex, but if everything else in life is fine, then I wouldn’t worry about this at all.

  10. I’m not sure if this is it but have you been think about defining the relationship now that there’s little talk
    Women are very intuitive when something needs to be addressed 🤷🏾‍♂️

  11. I would kill for this kind of sex w my partner … you might be overthinking especially if there isn’t anything negative about it other than comparing to other peoples pathetic sex lives

  12. While sex is great, be careful that it isnt interfering with the other aspects of your life and relationship. It definitely shouldnt define your relationship. Do yall go out and spend time together doing other things?

    At the end of the day, if the other aspects of your life arent suffering as a result, then yall are good I think

  13. Totally overthinking it!!

    Very normal for mid-20s to 30s dating adults. Especially when a lot of the early relationship was long distance. You are in the “honeymoon” phase of being together in person all the time. So you can’t keep your hands off each other.

    As long as it isn’t effecting either of ya’lls health or work life you are totally in the clear!

    My boyfriend(27) and I(28) met 2 years ago, serious and in love for 1. We have a very active sex life, and I know when we move in together it will probably be even more active. Most people our age I know have very active sex lives unless they have kids LOL

  14. Make the most of it while you still can! It’s absolutely fine, keep it up!

  15. No……… long as it isn’t interfering with anything important in your life… a job for instance….lol…….


  16. A lot of couples spend two hours a day watching Netflix or movies, so I think having two hours of sex a day is fine! It is a great way to connect with your partner, get exercise, release beneficial endorphins, and feel good in the process. Enjoy!

  17. Glad to hear relationships like this exist. 2-3 times a day after two years? Good for you guys. Keep on fuckin

  18. As long as you are taking care of other responsibilities and not making your life go to shit just to have sex then you are fine.

    It probably won’t last forever

  19. My wife and I are 17 years in and we fuck 2-3 times a day. Its kind of what we do on weekends. Already fucked twice today.

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