How often do you think about your weight?

  1. Since i am currently losing, everyday. But only 2kg to go to me before pandemic weight. And then i will basically stop thinking about it.

  2. All the time. I haven’t weighed myself in years but I’m super self conscious about my weight.

  3. Multiple times a day. I feel like I need to be more conscience of how much room I take up because I’m bigger and don’t want to get in the way.

  4. Every day to some degree. I’m actually comfortable with my weight right now but I guess so many years of obsessing over my weight is just part of me even when I’m OK with how I look, you know?

  5. It isn’t as often as I did when I was in the midst of an eating disorder. But it’s still there. Most times it’s easy to not think about it until you no longer fit into a clothing. Then the thoughts rush back in.

  6. Whenever I am prompted to, like right now. Or when I’m at the gym in the locker room and see the scale on the floor. I’m sometimes curious, but I usually just laced up my shoes and don’t want to go through the effort of taking them off and back on again.

  7. I’m trying to lose weight, so literally every day all the time. Even when I’m “content”, or as close to that as I ever possibly can be, I count every single calorie I consume.

  8. My weight, the actual number? Only when prompted.

    About my body shape, when I look at my stomach/waist or when clothes feel tight or loose.

  9. At least once a day.

    In a sort of “I should go for that extra walk, don’t wanna get fat.” “I sit too much, I might get fat.”

    I haven’t weighed myself in years.

  10. Once a week sometimes only once a month. I have a medical condition that stopped me from losing weight in my teenage years. I just need to keep my diet to not gain anymore weight so I have to look sometimes.

  11. Whenever I have to get dressed and go out of the house, and periodically throughout the day most days

  12. It makes my life a nightmare, I recovered from an ed 5 years ago but it still sucks

  13. Only when I go to the doctor. There I’m confronted with a whole lot of stuff I don’t like but it’s necessary. I don’t like being reminded of all my chronic illnesses

  14. I think about it the most during the warm months. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way

    During colder months, not so much

  15. Almost always. At work yesterday, I was thinking that it’d be so nice to just have even a 2 hour window of not thinking about it. ☹️😩

  16. Whenever I look in the mirror, am around others in public, eating, meal planning, or exercising

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