
  1. That’s a hard no from me. I didn’t consent to them so they better be deleted immediately

  2. That is a disgusting violation of privacy and could be grounds to end the relationship

  3. I would feel single, and they better delete them or I will smash their phone.

  4. I would want to know why.

    Is this full body photos we’re talking or just your face?


    Full body photos, WOAH.

    Just your face, weird but probably innocent.

  5. That is extremely creepy and I would probably get that person to delete them and then break up with them promptly.
    Edit: okay actually on second thought, I think I need more detail. In my experience it’s not unusual for men to want pictures of their partners to look at when they miss them or whatever, but then that begs the question why not just ask you and get your consent if that is what the purpose of the photos are. The fact that he never asked you is the creepy part.

  6. Totally violated. After extra clarification from your comments I’d leave this man immediately. Get proof abs press charges.

  7. Im not ok with nudes and never have been so I would be very offended if he did that to me.

  8. If they took a picture of my nude body while I was unconscious and couldn’t consent to that, I’d feel violated and be very single immediately. That’s a hard no.

  9. Honestly I would need more information. Why are you taking my photo, what are you using them for, are you showing them to anyone else? Probably more. But if it just for your eyes only and it was an innocent enough reason I wouldn’t be that upset. More irritated that you didn’t tell me beforehand and get my consent. I admit to a level of trust being lost as well.

  10. I’d be fine with it. We’re in a committed relationship, we want to spend our lives together, and I trust that he wouldn’t do anything he thought I’d be uncomfortable with. We haven’t had a conversation about taking pictures in this specific context, but our relationship works without having conversations to get approval for every possibility ahead of time.

    I also knew that if he did this and found out later it made me uncomfortable, he’d have no issue with immediately deleting them.

  11. That’s creepy. But then it depends on which part of the body that he’s taking.

    If its just your sleeping face its probably innocent, cute act but anywhere else is just wrong

  12. Creepy for a start, depending on what they took pictures of and why that may increase or lead to different emotions.

  13. I’d be unhappy, because it’s a violation of trust but I’d give him a chance to explain and we’d talk about it.

  14. My husband took a picture of me once while I was napping. He showed me the picture when I woke up. The sun was streaming in through the window, and he thought I looked like a Disney princess, so he took a picture.

    I thought and still do think it was sweet. But, yeah, context, especially in this sort of situation, matters.

  15. I’ve been with my OH over 10 years and we have 4 children together. He would be gone. It feels like deviant behaviour to take nude photos while someone is sleeping.

  16. Creeped and weirded out, as well as disrespected and disappointed because they didn’t respect my privacy nor care about consent. I’d break up; violation of boundaries is a big no-no for me.

  17. Unless you have full consent, that’s now an ex and if he doesn’t delete it he can expect a court date

  18. Unless it was something that had been discussed and something that both of us had agreed to, I would feel violated and unhappy

  19. I would get ahold of the file of the pictures, destroy it, then kick him out. I would act like everything was fine until I accomplished the first thing though.

  20. Taking pictures of someone without their consent is creepy. Taking naked pictures of someone without their consent is illegal, even if you’re in a relationship.

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