My bf and I have been together about a half a year now, and it’s seriously been such a loving and great relationship. We recently have been experimenting more and more, but haven’t tried actual PIV sex yet, it’s mostly just been him eating me out, bjs, dry humping, basically everything but true intercourse. We have protection, but I’m simply not ready yet (he respects that and tells me his top priority is making me feel safe and comfortable. )

I was hanging out at his house yesterday, and we were alone so we started making out and just let things go from there. I was blowing him and he said it was the best I had done it yet! Unfortunately his mom came home, so I didn’t get to finish and he just jerked it out to get rid of his erection.

Later when his parents were gone but his brother was home, we were getting into it again and he made me climax. I wanted to finish what I had started earlier, (I guess I finally figured out how to blow a guy because he realllly liked it before) When his brother was downstairs making dinner I started blowing him, I had told him earlier I wanted to make him cum in my mouth, and before he came he asked me again for consent. I told him yes, and so he followed through.

I honestly don’t know what I was expecting, but it was so warm and bitter and intense, like it came out so hard it triggered my gag reflex (which after blowing him for so long I thought was gone) and I literally almost threw up. I couldn’t handle it and pulled away immediately. The rest of it went on my hair. I spat it out (yes I have come to terms with the fact that I am a spitter) and some was legit up my sinuses so I had to blow my nose. I jokingly said “that’s fucking disgusting” and we both laughed it out. He kept apologizing profusely and I told him I was the one who asked for it and to not feel bad! He helped me clean my hair, and got me mouthwash and then even let me have his soda for the taste.
He cuddled me and apologized and kissed me and said “we never have to do it again” and I love him so much for that, but I feel sooo bad because I know he wanted this as well and I feel like I’m weak or something.
We kept laughing about the whole experience and played some mario kart and cuddled and I felt very safe and loved, but I can’t help but have a guilt over it.

Should I try again? Like do you think I’ll get used to it? or should I just leave it?

  1. I see nothing wrong with how the two of you dealt with the situation, you have nothing to feel guilt over, in fact you should be proud of how maturely you behave towards each other.
    He might want this again, but it doesn’t seem like he would ever push you from the sounds of it.
    Only do it again if you feel like you want it and are ready.

    It sounds like the two of you have a fantastic relationship, hold onto each other!

  2. well it sounds like you guys ended up ok after .. nobody is really hurt by this.. you or him.. so that’s awesome.

    If you ever do it again, is up to you.. there are lots of things you guys could do now that you have some experience to make the next one not so bad..

    – have him warn you.. “babe Im close.. ” or something so you can prepare

    – I hear that depending on what he eats, how much water he drinks that day etc can positively effect the taste and consistency of his cum.. look into that maybe.

    – I see nothing wrong with you spitting.. just finishing in a woman’s mouth is pretty awesome for a guy (I always liked it) and If you swallow that is totally up to you.

    I think if you truly were ready for it.. you wouldn’t have had some of what you described above.. but I never sucked a dick before so I can’t say for sure lol..

  3. Keep trying……Practice makes perfect…….swallow……….Seems like you got a nice guy there…..fwiw


  4. next time give him a nice long kiss after so he can know what it tastes like! when my girl does that i get hard immediately again.

  5. Sure, give it another try if you want. This first time it did take you by surprise, but next time you’ll know what’s coming (pun intended). You guys have an awesome relationship, he’s not pressuring you and you wanted it yourself, so it’s worth another try or two. But if you really don’t want to, don’t. He’s already told you he’s fine with that.

    FWIW, my wife loves when i cum in her mouth and always swallows. But she does have a *lot* of experience 🙂

  6. From what I read everything is fine between you too and you seem like a wholesome young couple. He is probably well aware of the fact that cum is not the most delicious substance of the universe and that a lot of woman can’t stand it.

    Having a person cum in your mouth and then even swallowing it is definitely a thing that needs practice and learning. You are beginners, so there is no reason to feel guilt. You may decide to never ever let him cum in your mouth again and that’s fine. But you also can decide to try again and get used to it. He can also improve the taste a bit with the right diet.
    Also there are alternatives. For example you blow him but don’t let him cum in your mouth but on your breasts for example. A lot of guys find this very hot. Some woman also.

    My GF for example really loves it when I cum on her breasts. Sometimes she even asks me for facials. Not for me but for her pleasure. Before I knew her I would have never asked a woman for that and could even imagine that a woman would ask me to do that for her. Because of porn I thought it would be very degrading. But it is not necessarily, if it’s for the woman’s pleasure.

    So my advice is, keep experimenting and find out what works best for you both and also is the most fun. Honest and open communication is very important here. And take failures with lighthearted humour like you did with this cumshot.

  7. Lol bless your heart. You didn’t know what to expect. And take it from a seasoned veteran. It’s.. an acquired taste.. If you try it again make sure it’s deep in the back of your mouth. This will keep you from tasting it and it will keep it from going in your sinuses. But even with the best preparation sometimes I still gag a little if it’s a lot. And sometimes it still gets in my sinuses. But at this point, I not only don’t mind it, I love it. You may never get there. But it’s awesome that your boyfriend wasn’t offended. That’s a green flag.

  8. My girlfriend reacted the same way the first time i cummed in her mouth she literally just spit all of it out back on to my dick and we both just laughed for a good minute it’s literally no big deal i hear it taste terrible so i really dont judge when a girl sucks me

  9. Good that your trying and having a good attitude in the face of difficulty.

    I think you’ll learn to predict it, if it’s something that makes him happy and the flavor is something you can accept. And I’m sure someone will be along to tell you how to improve flavor. Like that black coffee….

    Thing is it’s like the ultimate in acceptance. He doesn’t make babies. Only this. So you accepting it is kind of big to some dudes. Others it just feels amazing.

    Also, this is something of a sex skill. You develop it and then you have it. And… 10 years from now maybe you’re with him or some other guy that also loves it.

    Also know that trying for a while doesn’t mean you can’t decide later that it’s too much for you. Although that will probably cause a conversation.

    Last thing- y’all laughing it out and mutually apologizing is awesome and so healthy. Made me smile.

    I’m going to assume you’re somewhere that 16 is the age of consent. Because internet and legality and other bullshit that shouldn’t matter.

  10. Is normal the first times, dont feel bad. You both actually managed the situation better than majority of adults lol

    If you want to then try again! Tell him that the speed and texture unknown to you just trigger your reflex and that it will get better with practice. Sex is not something we are born knowing, is something new for us to explore and enjoy

  11. So, amazing yall going this route, wish I worked more on all this instead of jumping so quickly to sex… but small tips, he needs to stay hydrate… overly….it helps not cum to clumpy… then I look into flavor… small packet of honey whip cream or chocolate syrup… not Nutella, unless u wanna look like a dog with peanut butter… be prepaid for sticky… so wet wipes… now if that don’t work.. could always go for prolong head… let him cum but don’t stop… think of it as lube and keep bobbing… until he begs u to stop then just clean up with a rag…

  12. As I am about to shoot, I tell my partner. One girl told me she takes the dick out of her mouth for the first couple of huge spurts, then puts it back in, takes the rest in her mouth.
    Seems like a great compromise.

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