First off a Huuuge thank you to all the kind people who gave me great advice and helped me learn. I’m very greatful for people like you in this world.

Secondly, we had a huge success and last night after I initiated some fun time I stopped her mid makeout and asked her some of the questions you guys proposed and told her some of the things I learned. She smiled and laughed that I worried but also was pleased I was engaged and concerned about her sexual well being. This lead to obviously doing the “vertical tango” as she likes to refer to it as and having fun for quite some time.

We talked about the pain/discomfort and how she should let me know and I let her know about someone who said pushing through for a fuller better sensation and immediately she was on board. She read your comments and was blown away that complete strangers would help us. Side note: she said pushing through was the best orgasm that has ever happened. So if you see this you know who you are and you are loved in our household. We talked about all of our talking points and had a very indepth talk about our sexual life and how happy we are in it. This has been a WILD SUCCESS and I’m greatful for everyone that was involved.

I cannot stress who greatful I am to everyone for their part in this, I know I was worried for such a small detail and probably overthinking it but taking to people here gave me a bit of a boost in motivation and confidence to bring it up to her. So for the final time THANK YOU.

Best Wishes from our household to yours ❤️

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