I’m 18 (male) and I’ve been really insecure about my stutter all my life. I’m terrified others will think it’s weird or funny. And I hate that some people might make fun of it when I’m not around. But I wanna become lighthearted about it. I know it sounds funny sometimes so I wanna be ok if someone laughs at it, but I just can’t get myself to do that

Take for instance people like my parents. My parents are the type to make fun of others (and themselves), not in a mean way. But for example. They might make jokes if someone is gay, or Mexican, or whatever. They’ll make a joke and pretend to be them with an accent or whatever

Like once we were at a Mexican restaurant and the waiter was SO DRUNK. So we were laughing and my dad said “yo man I almost fell on my way to kitchen” in a Mexican accent. He didn’t mean it in a harmful way, but was just poking fun

Another time we had a gay dude make a cake and when we left he said in a flamboyant voice “honey, I have extra cream, you know what we’re doing tonight?”. Once again, this isn’t in a way attack them. And if people do this with me I wanna be able to laugh at it other than get mad. I wouldn’t be surprised g my parents sometimes have made jokes about my stutter when I’m not around, and I want to be able to be ok with that Because I feel like that’ll lead to a way more enjoyable life. I wanna get offended if it’s only a mean type of way attacking me. Like if a boss said “why don’t you speak right and do your job first?” Or something

If people laugh when I’m stuck on a word, or joke about it when I’m not around in a joking non serious way, how do I not get offended by it? I wanna see it as a thing I have and learn to just not take it seriously. I feel like then I’ve detached myself from it and I’m more than my stutter instead of being just my stutter

  1. I (M25) grew up with a disgusting stutter I think it was caused by just being anxious or something cause when I started smoking weed I stopped. I shit you not. I think your thinking so much about your stutter that its causing you to do it even more and the more self conscious you get the more you do it. Like a cycle. Just got to get a little bit of fuck it in your system. I still block up from time to time but it’s rare. I stopped smoking weed a while ago but I still keep the fuck it in my system

  2. Dunno, man. But I used to have a neighbor who stuttered and his girlfriend was hot AF. Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe what you say is more important than how you say it.

  3. In the simplest way you gotta be able to laugh at yourself. Try to find the humor it it, like find the most inconvenient time would be to have a stutter? Or the most awkward time to have a stutter and try to find the absurdity of the situation funny does that make senseM

  4. I myself grew up with an incredibly predominant lazy eye. I was always made fun of for it, really couldn’t tell you how many times I got the question; “which one do you see out of?”

    At the end of the day it’s on you, and only you, how you react to that. Same with anything else really. People make fun of others to get a quick rise out of them, and either put themselves below, or above them in social standing. Take that away, they’ll rarely do it.

    Nowadays when someone makes fun of my eye, I’ll just blow it off like nothing was said, or make an even worse joke at my own expense. Usually stops them from doing it going forward.

  5. I know someone that has a stutter and it’s quite endearing. I find this person very attractive.

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