My partner (23/NB) and I (25/NB) are going to the beach for my birthday. I’ve never been on a romantic trip before and I’m kinda nervous because I want everything to be perfect. Any tips or insight on things I should know ahead of time from someone who has been on a couple’s trip before? I want a stress-free weekend with really special and sexy nights. We have one event already planned the first night, but no plans the rest of the time. We do want to get dinner and rent bikes to ride on the boardwalk though. What other romantic things can you do at the beach?

  1. Make sure you bring sunscreen and learn how to use it correctly (most people use sunscreen wrong.) If y’all get a sunburn the first day it will ruin the sexy time.

    It won’t be perfect, something will go wrong. Accept that and don’t stress. Don’t complain – nothing worse than traveling with a complainer.

  2. First off, nothing is perfect. And that’s OK. Life is not a rom-com. But maybe be sure to investigate a nice restaurant beforehand and make a reservation so the stress of choosing is removed?

  3. The first step is to stop believing that it won’t be “perfect” if it doesn’t go exactly according to plan. Inevitably you will encounter a snag or two and that’s okay because it makes the trip even more memorable (and more unique to you and your partner). So don’t panic or fall apart if some luggage is lost or the weather throws you a curve ball. Being able to adapt and willing to promise to make the best of it even if something goes awry might be the most important thing to remember about a couples (or any) vacation. If you’re open minded enough there’s humor to be found in even the most effed up situation. So hope for perfection but be prepared to take it in stride if you get into the position where you sort of have to wing it. Bon Voyage.

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