What is something you buy more than anything else cause you want it?

  1. Watches. Do I need over 20 watches? Absolutely not

    But I work hard for my money and I enjoy them

  2. Cigarettes! (and it’s not really because I want them but because I’m addicted)!!!

  3. Energy drinks. Caffeine pills are so much cheaper. I could get a year’s worth of my daily caffeine take for what I spend on a week’s worth of energy drinks. Even cheaper would just be weaning myself off caffeine.

  4. Kofola. A coke-like drink but waaaay better . It Has nice amount of caffeine

  5. New (at least to me) musical instruments. Usually as an upgrade over what I already have, occasionally to learn something entirely new (so long as it is a woodwind). My piano lessons were literally an example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

  6. Donuts.

    Are they good for me? Nope. Are almost all of the ones in my immediate area kinda shoddy in quality and overpriced? Yep.

    Do I still get them when I really have a craving? You bet your ass I do.

  7. Lighters. I don’t smoke right now because I’m too poor but I’ll always give a buck for a nice looking Clipper. I’d be collecting Zippos but again, too poor

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