I (M32) met on a dating app this really nice and sweet girl who I have been on 5 dates with at this point. We have a great mental connection and get along so well. It basically feels like we have known each other for a long time even though we haven’t. My problem is that I’m really not sure my romantic feelings are that strong. I’m really not sure if I should give a chance at something more serious with her or if I should keep on looking around. On a ration level she has many qualities of a great partner but I still feel there is something missing romantically. Should I give a chance at her (including the possibility of hurting her, which I really don’t want to) to see where it takes us and if I develop strong feelings or should I just leave it there? Thanks in advance

  1. Five dates seems to me like giving her a chance. If you’re not sure about wanting to pursue her romantically at this point, I’d probably go your separate ways.

  2. It sounds like if you aren’t sure yet you might want to continue dating while at the same time looking around.

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