Pretty self explanatory but I will say, he isn’t mean or abusive or anything serious. He is obnoxious and can be rude. Kind of never stops bothering you. He acts differently when he drinks, even just 1 or 2 drinks I can tell.

I tell him I don’t like it when he drinks and beg him not to. He only does once every few days so it isn’t excessive. Only has a few beers (2-3).

I know it isn’t a big deal to most people. But for our marriage and personally, I can’t stand it. I’m wondering how should I deal with this? Will our marriage even last if I can’t stand him when he drinks?
Do I just get over it or get used to it?

Married 5 years.

  1. I guess one thing you *could* try is to stay away from him when he drinks? Maybe it’ll make him realize how much you hate it. I don’t really have good advice for this.

    Good Luck, Stay Strong 🖤

  2. Next time he drinks, set your phone on record and put it in your pocket. Then send him a copy of the recording with the caption “When a great guy turns into a jerk after a few cold ones”

  3. I’d take this up with a counselor. Trying to dictate whether or not your husband can have a few drinks seems obnoxiously controlling especially if it’s only twice a week. Maybe do something else away from him twice a week. Just my opinion but seems like nitpicking.

  4. We have been married 5 years too! My husband doesn’t drink often (once a week at most) but when he does he can drink quite a bit and his goal is always to get at least a little drunk. But I can tell right away when he starts to act differently. It’s hard to explain but he us just more talkative about things that don’t matter, and obnoxious, and swears a lot more. It happened when we were hanging out with coworkers once and he said he was just talking weird because he had water in his ear, but he was also swearing a lot just tin his general speech, and I could tell it was because he was drinking. And everybody else only had like one or two. I have pretty much just stopped getting drinks for myself when he is getting drinks, and I tend to distance myself if he’s going to be drinking. I get needing a few after a long work week, but I have never been able to get comfortable around him drinking and I don’t think I ever will. He just always overdoes it in my opinion.

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