How does a 26 year old woman with no kids nor has any desire to drink alcohol or go clubbing make new friends?

  1. Charities, volunteer work, make a side hustle to attend networking events, fitness classes.

  2. Well videogames, food, boardgames… Maybe you dont Like to drink alcohol but what about making it?

  3. You join a community. Other posters have given you some examples. Dozens of women I know joined the local music scene or the local competitive Euro gaming scene. I also know some women who are into cosplay and some who are into Wicca circles. Some who are into activism. Some who are into charity.

  4. You could find a comic or game store and see if they have some sort of a board game club,

  5. Without unleashing my sociopathy into the world I would suggest you find something to do that makes you happy. When you see someone doing the same thing while also being happy that person is probably going to get along with you well.

  6. Yeah I see a lot of the same suggestions.

    Join a church, they have lots of events and socials, if you like outdoor activities you can join a hiking/biking/skating group for outings, in our area there is a company called Events and adventures. They organize different things for singles in the local area.

  7. Hey wanna be freinds? Lol I’m a 20 year old dude and need freinds too. The ones I do have don’t really do that stuff either

  8. Join a sports team or if you’re not sporty or competitive, take up a slightly nerdy hobby like orienteering or Larping, those type of people are usually pretty fun and friendly in my opinion.

  9. It’s the age of the internet look for something you’re interested in and I’m sure there are people that are willing to talk with you about it and eventually become friends

  10. If I understood the Sims currently, high fiving them until they want to move in.

  11. Softball/kickball/dodgeball league or any type of recreational stuff like that, even if you’re no good. Forms bonds pretty quickly in a team atmosphere.

  12. Think climbing gyms, cooking classes, or open mics. Something where you interact with people, but the actual person isn’t the main focus.

  13. You told us what this 26 yo woman does NOT want to do. What does she want to do? How does she fill her days?

  14. What hobbies do you have? What hobbies do you want to try? People love helping people, so starting a new hobby where people “are” is a good start. They will see you are new and try to help.

    Biking / hiking: are there any trails in your area? Start going there instead of just “on the street”

    Shooting sports / archery? Find a range and become a regular.

    Pick a restaurant you like and become a regular. Perhaps eat at the bar instead of a table. Sure, you don’t drink alcohol, but neither do I. Doesn’t mean you can’t eat there. And it is a more open point for conversation to start.

    Join a social club. Eagles, Moose, Elks, etc. These groups are more often social than formal and love having people wanting to help.

    sailing / boating. US Power Squadrons / Americas boating club is a “social” organization that promotes water sports. Canoeing and kayaking have similar organizations, although I can’t think of their names at the moment.

    In fact, just regular paddling around rivers in the summer will get you in close contact with people. You can easily avoid the looneys and start up conversation with the friendlies.

    The big part is having to get out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself. Which is much harder than the extroverts give credit for.

    Take a risk. Hold your breath and jump. It will all work out!

  15. Well maybe you’d better go to r/AskWomen but you need to do social stuff to make friends. Hobbies, gym, pubs, charities, classes etc.

  16. Find some interesting hobbies and/or other activities. Then you’ll meet more people.

  17. Find a club to join? Plenty for adults out there. Or bumble? That’s also decent for making friends

  18. Maybe join a gym, a church group or a support group for people who don’t have friends.

  19. There is an app called Meetup that allows people in your area to host hangouts based off of interests.

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