My girlfriend (25f) and I (27m) talked about breaking up today and we live together

We’ve been living together for about a year and a half now. We’re renting a master bedroom in a house.
I guess the way we met is inevitably our downfall. We met at work but I was in a 7 year relationship and she was in a 4 year relationship and engaged. Everything seemed great and we fell for each other and decided to ‘run away’ together. Her ex fiancé was in a different country and my ex girlfriend was nearby. We hit a yolo moment and moved in 2 months later.
It definitely was a social suicide on my part because my ex’s and I’s friend group is the same and no one talks to me anymore because I left her. I know how it looks but I also wanted to end it with my ex because I hurt her constantly back then and came to a realization that she deserved someone better than me (which she has and I’m happy for her).
So my girlfriend now told me she left her ex fiancé because she felt lonely and thought she could have the same type of relationship she had with him, with me (24/7 best friend vibes, always the fun energy in the room, spontaneous to no end). I’m sort of introverted but can be very outgoing at times but at home, I’m just mellowed out.

But today when I came home from work, I was feeling down and communicated to her that her comfort would be appreciated. She denied it and after a long silence, she recommended breaking up. Her reason was that she’s very busy with nursing school and don’t have time for a relationship, especially the way it’s going. When I asked that if she could give it time and I can change the way I approached the relationship, she seemed very stern in her position of breaking up. It seems like she’s been comparing her previous relationship to ours. And I guess it’s vice versa as well because I don’t see the same qualities I loved about my ex in her.
I feel very foolish right now because I left my ex of 7 years who was very committed to me and always tried to make it work and I turn around and leave her for someone who doesn’t hold those same principles. I was unfaithful to my ex which I’ve regretted and reflected on.
Should I keep trying to make it work with my girlfriend or just let it slip away? I know paying double the rent I’m paying now is gonna suck but if we do break up, I’m telling her to move out by this weekend.

TL;DR – my girlfriend and I broke up with our exes to be with each other. Move in after 2 months. Problems with comparing each other to our exes. She seems like she’s had enough and wants to end, I see that there’s things to work on and thinking we both could change. Should I keep trying to make it work or break up?

  1. You are correct, this relationship has a terrible foundation and it would be wise to accept the break up.

    It also seems there is a pattern of you avoiding dealing with things and far more damaging events resulting.

    Instead of respectfully breaking up with your ex, you waited until someone else came along and cheated.

    Instead of addressing issues with your current relationship, you’ve waited until the breakup talk came, then tried to salvage it.

    If you don’t want to be a serial jerk (cheat etc), thats something that needs addressing.

  2. The only good thing here is everyone involved is young enough to have plenty of time to find someone better. Your relationship was clearly based on lust/initial attraction rather than anything substantial. Imo best to break up, learn from your mistakes and mature before looking for something else.

  3. Does anyone else have any input? I have to go home soon and don’t really know what’s going to happen

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