What is the biggest fuck up you’ve had to own up to?

  1. My contributions to my failed marriages. Sure, my ex’s were at fault too but still…gotta own my side of things.

  2. I accidentally screwed a customer $5K at my government engineering office because I miscalculated

    I was only let off the hook because my boss apparently triple checked my work & didn’t catch it

    I caught it after we sent the bill to the customer & brought it up in pure guilt

  3. I ignored my family lawsuit because I was a minor they took the wrong move and lost everything

    I think it’s my fault because I knew what was the correct action and I might have been able to save everything if I took a debt to pay for lawyers

    But I didn’t because I didn’t have money and my religion doesn’t allow Intrest debts so I didn’t take action I also didn’t speak to them because I hate them to much to care

  4. Overslept and missed a final during college. I was put on a watchlist and if my grades didn’t improve, I’d face penalties.I also had to retake that class the next year.

  5. I worked with law enforcement requests (like criminal subpoenas, search warrants, etc) from all over the world at a big company. I responded to an email “Yes, will send this out right away.” and then got distracted and did not send the doc out.

    As a result, the law enforcement agency took it as a deliberate snub/blowoff (*”Big, arrogant USA company doesn’t care about the laws in our small country, huh?”*) and, to prove a point, they showed up to arrest one of the top-level employees at the office in that country for failure to comply with a valid legal document. The employee was able to negotiate a 24hr stay on being taken to jail at which point my US office was frantically notified and I got the “Did you send this out??” message and had to fess up that I almost got someone arrested and tossed in jail (I did send out the paperwork immediately upon that notice and the agency cancelled the arrest warrant for the employee)

    The entire department knew about it and they knew it was specifically me who fucked it up in a classic “You had ONE JOB” moment.

    I lost out on a promotion as a result of this. I was up for promotion, but it was such a big deal my manager pulled the promotion packet and told me “With this mistake happening so close to promo negotiations, I can’t reasonably argue in your favor at this time.”

    In the end it was a small stumbling block in my career (I was promoted a year later), but quite humiliating and devastating at the time. I also improved my work tracking methods drastically after this.

  6. I work in IT. Let’s just say one day our systems were totally fine, then FUBAR in the morning due to me overnight. I owned up to it, contacted the boss right away and explained everything.

    It was very embarrassing, but I did the right thing by immediately making it known. He thanked me and said that’s just life.

  7. One time I linked my dev version of an application I was working on to the live instance of the database.

    It was unbelievably hard to live it down.

  8. I work in an industry where things can get real explosive real fast if you aren’t real careful. I ended up sending out the wrong materials one day (this isn’t really my fault i had multiple coworkers tell me it was packaged correctly but i took the blame becuase i was boots on the ground)

    What i did do was fuck up with the shipping receipts. The guy driving was busy and just told me sign for him so i did. It came back to bite me hard.

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