So here’s a guy met him before 6 months
Hooked up 4 or 5 times
Whenever I think of him my body warms up and I get coiled into a feverish state

What is this feeling I have on him. But anyway he is only interested in hooking up with him and I am leaving city soon and Mostly I would never see him again. We would never text each much But God Do I Like him and want to see him one last time. Yes Screams my Body and nerves

  1. That suggests you have caught feelings in a larger scale than just a “casual fling” which is often a huge risk associated with ‘hook ups’ as it either ends abruptly or with a higher range of feelings.

    It’d be best for you to cut your losses now and not see him again as it will only be painful for you and you might aswell make a head start in moving on.

  2. It’s easy to catch feelings for a hook up. You get the benefit of (hopefully) great sex and fun times.

    You’ll bounce back fast from this and remind yourself you only got to see him in lighthearted circumstances. If you actually dated you might not have felt this way about him.

    It happens.

  3. God I wish someone felt this way about me. It sounds like you have so e pretty strong uncontrollable feelings for him.

  4. Babes I feel the same way about my boyfriend. Our relationship is still new but I feel so addicted to him .So it probably means that the guy is pretty good at his game.

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