Male manipulation tactics?

I just got out of a situation where a male “friend” was manipulating me and I didn’t realize. I know women manipulate people too, but what are some common male manipulation tactics you guys have seen/experienced?

edit: for context, he would self deprecate himself, make me feel bad for him, guilt trip me, and told me intimate details way too early into our relationship that made me feel bad for him.

  1. You should really talk more about your personal experience. It’s better for context and soliciting the sort of information you want from other people on here.

  2. Idk, that sounds like it could also be a guy with genuine low self esteem that takes far too many queues from media as how to act in a relationship . It very easy for a lot of guys to develop that issue, especially in todays media climate

  3. May I ask what you’re hoping to get out of these answers? Like tactics to keep an eye out for?

    Genuinely curious?

    I mean some people just do what your friend did without the intent of manipulation. It’s just what they feel like doing but maybe they’re subconsciously manipulating

  4. Men tell women positive things to women about how they look, just to have sex. They are just lying.

  5. They can insinuate that you aren’t a true friend if you don’t do a thing or act a certain way.

  6. Use of the passive voice in refusing responsibility for something. Like if they knock something off of a shelf, “I was just walking by and it fell!”

  7. If you find yourself doing things you don’t want to, and their actions don’t match what you see, then you should start paying attention.

  8. Negging; and it’s not just with women. Men try to neg me all the time, try to cut me down and make me feel insecure about myself

    But it’s always just some form of projecting, so I never feel bad for me (I’m a rockstar and I know it!). But I do feel bad for them, that and a mix of how pathetic they are

  9. This one asshole gives me money once every to weeks to show up and do what he tells me.

  10. Well I watch the personal trainer at my gym use guilt trips and ignore his female clients attempts to get his attention regularly. He’s sleeping with most of them. They eventually figure it out, start talking shit about him, he pretends they don’t exist, and then finally they quit the gym. He moves on to the next set of girls and repeats the cycle. It’s amazing to watch how little effort he puts into the whole thing and how he manages to do it while working.

  11. some humans are deep blue chess level computers at rearranging the game so it always looks like they win. Often the best people at it, aren’t the most mentally healthy. I find this combination of truths to be terrifying.

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