Have you ever given a creep a chance? What happened?

  1. I definitely overlooked a gut feeling on a guy I dated because I was glad for the attention.

    He raped me.

  2. Yes.

    I gave him a *chance* to leave me tf alone before I got my linebacker friends involved lol

  3. Yes, and never, ever again. Creeps are dangerous. Don’t ever feel sorry for them or give them a chance.

  4. I used to ignore my boundaries because I was raised by a misogynist …. Anyway lots and lots of abuse.

  5. I did.. i was like 14 or 15 and he was 20. It didnt last long. Im now 26. 4 years ago I started having someone harassing me online, made a fake profile pretending to be me on a bdsm website, told people to sexually harass me in public, gave out my address. I spent 4 fucking years dealing with this.. I had no idea who was doing it. Police wouldn’t do anything. then, 2 weeks ago I get a phone call from an officer in the town next to me, said they had a similar incident with someone else and they had a suspect. Traced his ip address and connected the dots. He was arrested. And is now sitting in jail with 14 different charges including child pornography.. turns out he had videotaped me without my consent as well.

    This sounds completely made up, but I swear it’s the truth and I’m having a really hard time wrapping my brain around all of it.

  6. They sexually assaulted me in my home & held me captive for several hours. They even used their tongue as a way to gag me so i couldn’t scream.
    Creeps are creeps for a reason.

  7. Yes. I gave in to his threats of suicide and agreed to go out with him. My biggest regret in life. He sexually assaulted me in front of “friends” and classmates and nobody helped me. (I was underage)

    I snapped and told him off, so he made it his personal mission to make my life hell. His friends bullied me relentlessly, I got asked to “consider leaving” school because nobody believed me and all our classmates took his side because they didn’t want to get bullied too. He stalked me for YEARS! He and his friends have tried to threaten guys I liked/dated after him. In one instance, they even tried to run down one of my guy friends just because he was hanging out with me at an after-school event.

    It’s been 12 years. The creep is alive, well, definitely not in prison, married to some unsuspecting lady. And I moved to a country far far away so I never have to accidentally see him or his friends ever again. I tried to warn the woman when I first saw engagement photos on a mutual’s feed, but he’d poisoned the well against me and I was the nutjob according to her. Now, I just actively avoid all social media so I don’t have to deal with people from that phase of my life.

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