Thought I’d share how I improved my social skills and confidence in the last couple years so maybe it can help people do the same 🙂

Two years ago, I left school as a very shy individual who struggled talking to people who I wasn’t already comfortable with. Basically I decided that in terms of further education I wanted to do something that pushed my limits in terms of social skills and general confidence – so I chose to do a degree that involves a couple of my interests but also forces me to meet lots of new people, talk a lot and put myself out there in general.

I’ve had to take part in podcasts for example as part of it and do lots of other social based things like interviewing people. And all the people that heard I was doing something like this were so shocked because of my shyness. I’ve found it hard at times but it’s so worth it. At first I was naturally bad at almost all of it but through constantly forcing myself to do these things I’ve actually gotten decent at it and I don’t feel near as anxious about all of it now.

The key to improving your confidence is putting yourself out there and pushing your limits like I did (and am still doing) – force yourself to do things that you’re not comfortable doing. You will definitely get embarrassed at times (I certainly did and definitely spent a lot of time agonising about my awkwardness – and I still do lol) but just power through it and trust the process, that’s the price we have to pay if we want to get where we want to be, and no one will really care about you embarrassing yourself anyway to be honest.

All this has gotten me to get my first girlfriend (it didn’t work out but ah well), join the gym for the first time (I always wanted to do it but never had the confidence to go by myself), and do lots of other little things I never would have been able to do a year or two ago that just make me feel a lot better about myself.

Hope this helped someone, thanks for reading if anyone did lmao

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience! I’m curious: Does it get better? Forcing yourself out of your shell?

  2. I always get worse when i force myself to do stuff im super uncomfortable with. It almost always ends up becoming a traumatic fail that i have no escape from. Then i hide in my room for the next few years hating my life. Its a fun cycle

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