I’ve 22f been with my boyfriend 27m for a year now and he always seemed happier with her.

EDIT: This was all 3 months into our relationship and hasn’t been a problem since. But I’m still insecure about. It’s been about 7 months since all this

She was a work friend who was always flirty, sexual and friendly. When I first met him they were “best friends” and for some reason I could just tell that there was more. He said she slept around a lot and was in and out of relationships, had deep emotional issues etc. They never dated, kissed, or did anything like that but he would ask her out to go to the beach, mini golfing, kayaking, movies etc. She would sometimes say yes. She knew he liked her for but still led him on because she liked the attention- because who doesn’t? He acted like a simp for her for 2 years while being friend zoned.

When we got together we had some issues in the beginning and he would confide in her. This resulted in her constantly putting him down and getting mad at him for not leaving me. It seemed like she didnt want him but aksi didnt want him to be in a relationship or have someone else taking his attention. She would also say horrible things about me such as calling me a “monster” for no valid reason. This made me really really upset because that’s something that I wouldn’t even consider calling someone unless they did something horrendous.

A couple months after dating it was her birthday and she had it at a restaurant that I liked. He refused to take me even after I expressed how upset it made me especially because he had admitted that he did like her before. Other people took their partners as well. I was just upset because of the way she acted towards him and I, as well as the fact that he liked her and didn’t want to take me. He told me that when he got to dinner, she asked him if he “got his dick wet” the night before and was talking about how she sucked dick that morning in front of all their friends.

Personally I think she is very sad, insecure and attention seeking.

Anyways he would invite her everywhere even when she stopped working with him. They had photos together from his birthday before he met me where they looked very close like a couple. He also had pictures with other female friends but anyone could tell the difference in body language. In this photo he was smiling so brightly and he was so happy. He had videos on his phone that she took of them where he was laughing and had the biggest smile. They also had photos of her laying her head on his shoulder, which I would never do to my male friends that way. I saw a post on his Facebook where she was in the hospital and he visited her. She posted that he was “the sweetest friend someone could have”.

One day we also had a big argument where we talked about breaking up and he went to the movies with her and another friend that night and lied to me about it.

I’m very insecure in general and about his feelings towards me even though he’s very loyal. He’s never done anything for me to doubt apart from what I’ve said. He cut her off after all this- to which she called him to yell at him and he just took it from her and got upset at me for him having to cut her off.

I’m still upset and insecure because he never ever defended me against her or her words. But at the same time struggles to say anything bad about her even after how she treated him. He still never backs me up or validates how I feel towards all the things she said about me. He just stays quiet. He never backs me up

I’m also insecure about this because he looks happier in all his photos with her. Everytime we take pictures or selfies, he never smiles. He says it’s because he wants to look good and cool. He also took photos of her when they were out but never offers to take photos of me.

I just feel like he liked her a lot, borderline love (but he wont admit it). He was single for the two years he knew her before me. I still feel like he would’ve had her if she would have him. Even now I feel like if she turned around and said gave him any affection or validation he would be happy. I also feel like he would’ve treated her better if he dated her compared to me because he was such a simp for her.

I’m also not his typical type. I’m a short Asian girl, while his exes and her are all taller, brunette and Caucasian. She’s average to the normal guy but she’s very flirty and he just came out of a relationship when he met her and was upset and insecure.

He said it’s not a problem and nothing to be upset about anymore because she’s not in our lives anymore. But I can’t help questioning out whole relationship and his feelings towards me. He also never says anything to validate me feelings. I’ve told him all of this repeatedly and he’s never once said anything like “my feelings for you are stronger”, or “I liked her but doesn’t compare to my feelings for you” etc. He just says It’s in the past etc.

Some part of me would rather leave and find someone who will love me and only me. I feel like he will never love me more than her.

Am I right to be upset or am I still overthinking?

TL;DR My boyfriend was close with a female friend before he met me and I’m worried he’s still not over her.

  1. You get what you accept. He’s pining after another woman yet you’re still his girlfriend. Stop being his girlfriend. You deserve a man who wants you more than some other woman.

  2. Its normal to be upset being treated this way. The real question is why do you care more about staying with someone who treats you this way then you do about yourself?

  3. I didnt read the whole thing but, I think its safe to say, many women on here need to STOP WASTING THEIR TIME WITH DUDES THAT GIVE THEIR ATTENTION TO OTHER FEMALES.

    And vice versa. 😊

    Always makes me wonder if yall like being treated this way. Worse thing you can do is enable it by staying in the relationship. Sorry but its true.

  4. > he would confide in her.
    > He told me that when he got to dinner, she asked him if he “got his dick wet” the night before
    >One day we also had a big argument where we talked about breaking up and he went to the movies with her and another friend that night and lied to me about it.
    >He never backs me up

    I think he was the attention seeker, more than her. He wanted you to be hurt by her words and compete with her. He talked shit about you to her, and in turn told you about the things she said that he knew would make you jealous. He loved the attention of two women cat fighting over him, and now she’s gone he has to try to cling to you or he’ll have no women in his life. Maybe he also felt rejected after two years and wanted to get revenge on her.

    He’s a drama king at the very least and you deserve to be with someone who only has eyes for you.

  5. He won’t. You’re a place holder, second best. You can see that, so why are you tolerating this?

  6. Just no. I wouldn’t be in a relationship w someone who has this type of bff. It’s just obvious that he’s in love with her, his action dictates this. If you think otherwise you are lying to yourself. You deserve more, way more. You need to be with someone who makes you number one.

  7. This was honestly heartbreaking to read and your feelings are valid. You need to leave. You deserve much better than being second best to your own partner. It’s very clear he still has some kind of feelings towards her. Not inviting you to her bday dinner, after you expressed how upset it made you, ALONE would have been enough reason for me to end it. He didn’t take you because he didn’t want you there, plain and simple. He would rather spend that time with her.
    Confiding in her about relationship issues that should be communicated between you and him only is also not Okey. And not sticking up for you when she said nasty things/telling him to break up with you and not recognizing your feelings towards it or backing you up is just disgraceful. Appears he cares more about her opinion than your feelings.
    Lying to you about going to the movies with her, even if there was another friend present, is a major RED FLAG. My guess is he lied about it because he knew how you would feel about it which means he knows what he’s doing is wrong.
    At the end of the day, your boyfriend is nowhere near ready to be in a relationship and you should not have to suffer because of it. Please find someone who actually cares.

  8. Girl why are you with a man who’s in love with someone else. If his coworker decide to accept him one day he’ll leave you in a heartbeat from the sound of it. Dump him before he dump you.

  9. So most comments have already covered alot of things, but I want to point out how your self esteem will only get worse. Take it from someone who has been in the same situation. Being second best with self esteem issues. He might not love you like you love him but THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE WHO WILL GIVE 100% TO YOU. Its not him. You can do way better. Throw him to the streets sister and don’t listen to his bs

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