What do guys tell their friends about a new girl they are dating?

  1. In my experience, don’t talk about it. There is really no reason to bring it up unless you want to bore people about your love life

  2. I tell them pretty much nothing, a lot of my friends don’t even know what girl I’m dating.

    My relationships are for me and the girl I’m dating, not to grandstand infront of my “bros”

  3. It depends on the friend, some you can go all out with telling them the good stuff and others you just give the cliff notes or stuff they might be interested in hearing.

  4. Bare minimum possible. They can get to know her at the proper “meet the friends” time IF we get there. Until then, they can mind our privacy while we are figuring things out aside from the bare minimum (probably a picture of what she looks like, if she is “pretty cool”).

    It actually REALLY ticks me off when someone keeps prying into our business.

  5. IME, not much. They’ll either meet her themselves or it’ll turn out she wasn’t around for long anyway. Mostly just that she exists until then. Even then it’s as often ” oh I can’t go out that night I’ve got a date” and not news that’s proactively delivered.

  6. Keep it pretty superficial until things become serious. Then if it does become serious, be careful not to overshare to the point of making your partner uncomfortable

  7. Her name. Perhaps her job. And I guess anything that would be out of the ordinary.

  8. “She seems chill”, that’s about it.

    We rarely talk about friends’ girlfriends.

  9. Guys don’t talk about sex and wives the way women do. Men don’t shoe their dicks to each other the way woman show each other your boobs. If I talk about a new girl, it is she is nice, pretty, and hair color.

  10. I told a friend about her and let him ask for details. None of my other friends mentioned her except to make fun of me, so I’d say it went over pretty well.

  11. My closest friends suspect I’m seeing someone, I’m married 10 years with 2 kids

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