Please help me out! I bleed early in this morning and it has clot, it is dark brown and red. But this afternoon i will basically change my napkin it’s has clot again, but the bleeding stop. I don’t know why, apparently i’m 14 days delay. I took 14 pt, i take starting on the day that i’m 2nd day late, 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th and it all came negative. And now i’m experiencing this, please help me! I’m getting anxious againnn 😩😩😩 +++ my previous sex is all protected we use condom at all times

  1. Then you aren’t pregnant, blood clots are your body from stopping you bleeding too much and with period blood clots it also contains endometrial tissue and membrane. It’s likely you are having a heavy flow and your body is trying to stop it ,periods will stop and start as they please.

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