I was raised in a controlling (?) (think positive connotation here, not oppressive) environment where the pinnacle of behaviour is being polite, well mannered, contained etc. so I kind of have a hard time understanding this concept clearly. Observing the men around me, I’ve never noticed that they like anything other than poised women, but now that I’m growing and meeting new people, I’m experiencing new perspectives.

In what way is fiesty not aggressive and rude? Annoying? Breaking social and personal boundaries?

What’s so alluring and likeable about being a spitfire?

Do you think a lot of people like women like that? Why/why not?

  1. “Spitfire” and “feisty” are nice ways of saying “Runs hot”..which is not a good thing and comes from/across as anger or hostility.

    Unless youre naturally temperamental, don’t try to be something you’re not, esp if its negative.

  2. Nothing alluring about it IMO

    Not a gender thing, it’s just someone who doesn’t have control over their mouth – it’s tiresome and obnoxious.

  3. >What’s so alluring and likeable about being a spitfire?

    Those dudes are just diving into attractive women who have low inhibitions, consequences be damned.

    >Do you think a lot of people like women like that? Why/why not?

    Maybe for the first few days. They’re emotionally exhausting and tend to destory everything around them.

  4. This is just a personal preference question. Like apples versus bananas or vanilla versus chocolate. You won’t really be able to understand why a person likes what they do unless you have the capacity to do so yourself. Best of luck on your personal journey of discovering what appeals to you.

  5. Haha There will always be men who feel drawn to the type of woman that seems gutsy/feisty…

    For example, there was a Reddit comment related to this topic, where a man mentioned an experience from college – he spoke of a short, cute little feisty girl in his class who, when the class was divided into two groups for a debate activity, the feisty girl at one point jumped up on a table while defending her position. Haha

    Btw – writing those words reminds me that another adjective to characterize this feisty type is the word passionate. You can keep in mind that that quality probably helps explain part of the appeal.

    Anyways, in the case of the aforementioned college guy – the feisty, passionate type was something he found hard to resist. These days, his former college classmate that jumped up on a table is his wife.

    And to address another part of what OP asked above…

    In the college classmate example, being passionate didn’t involve trampling anyone’s rights or boundaries… or being super annoying… or damaging anyone’s property… or hurting anyone’s feelings. The girl just came off as having conviction and confidence… and perhaps also having a little bit of a theatrical, class-clown-performing-as-though-she-were-on-stage streak inside her. 😛

    Therefore it is understandable how things in a woman such as passion, conviction, confidence (and even a bit of amusing theater performance) can strike some men as charming.

    Note: I’ll also mention here that I agree with the commenter on this post who seemed to suggest that there’s no sense trying to act like something that isn’t true to who you really are. So don’t worry with trying to “act feisty” if that just ain’t you. (But if you discover an inner, gutsy little pistol of a woman within and decide to let her come through a little more, then more power to you.)

  6. It’s a polite way of saying someone is overly passionate, obnoxious or hostile. That’s a no thanks for me.

  7. Spitfire and feisty and different things.

    Spitfire women could do with taking a chill pill and observing the situation more holistically before going in. To be spitfire means to be quick/hot tempered, like those people always looking for a fight or to have beef with someone. They are exhausting and date them long enough they’ll start to alienate your friends and family because she’ll start shit with just about anyone over insignificant things. Think Jen from Dead to Me.

    Feisty could mean a whole lot of things, but (in my yourh culture) it’s mostly associated with latinas (yes I’m aware now that it’s racist af).
    the quick witted comebacks, the questioning of authority, the sass. Tough, independent and spirited. They won’t do what’s asked of them just because, they need a (valid) reason for it. They tend to be passionate about causes close to their hearts and stand their ground.

    Those aren’t bad traits, but if you’re a guy who likes meeker, softer, maybe more codependent girls, the feisty girl is gonna give you a challenge. (Best example I can think is Yen from Witcher for some reason, or a lot of the sorceresses. Gloria from Modern Family, Scarlett Ohara from Gone with the Wind, Hermione Granger, and Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec.) they don’t need you, they just want you, and there is a difference.

    If you were raised in a more “keep sweet” environment or from a culture where emotions are not to be displayed, then either of these personalities probably won’t gel with you. I still remember some British person saying that if they expressed themselves the way they do on the continent (Europe) they’re not sure they’ll ever be able to get the emotions back in. There’s a strong cultural element to revealing your more negative emotions (or even positive ones) and it could also reflect a degree of emotional intelligence, strongly depending on context. What’s normal and part of human nature and emotion for one culture can be seen as rude, obnoxious, or stiff and abnormal in another.

  8. I like women who:

    – Have opinions and views and have enough of a spine to actually argue their point, talk frankly and directly, and so on.

    – Can engage in some banter and preferably give it back as good as they get.

    – Are independent – have actual hobbies, interests, goals, and shit they want to do, and don’t need to *rely* on me for entertainment or to handle the basic tasks of life.

    – Have some actual passion/energy/spirit. Lively.


    None of that means I like people who can’t occasionally act in a way appropriate for a more formal/restrained setting, who turn lively debate into angry fighting, who can’t come to a compromise on anything, etc.

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