I’m from the hood, and asking us a question always make it feel like an interrogation. I usually reply “What are you, a cop?” but don’t want to come off rude. It seems like people in online dating think the only way to have a conversation is by asking a bunch of questions. If someone wants you to have a piece of information, they’ll volunteer it without being prompted.

  1. If you tell me you “don’t do questions” it’s direct and useful information. It would not be a match if you simply don’t answer others’ questions. Normal, mature and healthy conversations *sometimes* if not often involve questions. If you think every question is an interrogation then it’s a great sign that your defensiveness would never work for me. So, be direct and tell them you don’t like questions.

  2. Dating is not about your own demands and expectations. With that attitude you are going nowhere, fast.

  3. That’s how you start getting to know someone by asking questions and seeing if you’re compatible, similar interests, like or dislike some of the same foods etc

  4. If you’ve been following this sub, then you already know people often do not volunteer very significant pieces of information. Asking questions is a part of getting to know someone and figuring out where your compatibilities/incompatibilities lie. If you don’t like it you can always just remain single…

  5. Would you be comfortable setting boundaries about what kind of questions you’re comfortable answering?

  6. Yeah, thats kind of how you get to know people. If you aren’t ready to talk about yourself and let someone in then maybe you should avoid dating.

  7. I think you may also be getting hooking up and dating confused. Maybe put in your dating app bio that you are there for one reason and one reason only. There is nothing wrong with casual hookups and keeping things light as long as you aren’t stringing people along or being dishonest.

  8. Your post title bugs the shit outta me. What’s your deal coming in here and asking us a bunch of questions like you own the place, anyway.

  9. I’m not from the hood and I don’t like the questions either. Not only it feels like an interview or interrogation but it’s draining and in my experience I didn’t like the judgment.
    However, it’s a common thing for everyone to get to know you especially in online dating.

    You can say upfront: the best way to know me is through ….. (fill the blank) coz I don’t like being asked too many questions.

    You need to offer a way for people to get to know you.

  10. Have you considered a sex worker? Maybe charge more than your average date, not going to want to ask questions

  11. You ok bro? Do you know how to interact with humans? What kind of stuff do you have to hide?

  12. There’s no reason to be posting this. If someone wants to let you know the best way to tell someone you don’t do questions, they’ll volunteer it without being prompted.

  13. >If **someone** wants you to have a piece of information, they’ll volunteer it without being prompted.

    I think it’s important for your own success to reframe this as “if **I** want you to have.” Therefore, you will always need to approach this as if it’s your preference and not standard for the *average* person on a dating app.

    A lot of people feel uncomfortable providing info out of the blue and questions are, in fact, standard and expected by many.

  14. Unfortunately many people lack conversational skills and often default to having an interview, which doesn’t really create the vibe most of us are looking for.

    I think you can mitigate this by making statements that reveal things about yourself, or how you perceive the other person. (The latter is actually very useful when you haven’t yet met. “You look like a country boy” is more likely to elicit a response than “Where are you from?”)

  15. I agree. Just let the conversation flow naturally. You’ll have a better chance of getting your questions answered if you just listen. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  16. People in the hood don’t ask and answer questions? Man, i’m even whiter than I thought.

  17. If this is a real thing, I would love to wait your table on a date

    Him: “I’m from the hood, I have a dog.”
    Her: “what’s his name?”
    Him: “what are you, a cop?”

  18. >I usually reply “What are you, a cop?”

    I don’t believe for one goddamn second that you’re from the hood.

  19. Everyone’s different, some are fine talking about themselves without any prompt; some don’t volunteer information without prompt. As long as the questions are respectful, there’s nothing wrong with it. You are of course, entitled to not liking questions and don’t want to answer them. There’s really no good way to telling people this other than just be direct: I don’t like questions/don’t like answering them, but (imho) this will likely deter people from approaching/pursuing you.

  20. What does being from the hood have to do with any of this? Anyway… just get a fuck doll. You can make them say whatever you want. Move their widdle wip like awa awa awa.

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