Bf (25 and i am f(23) . We been dating for almost a year .I can’t rant to my bf at all . Or if anymore bad comes from his friends, he completely ignored it . Thing is that it keep building up . I get this weight of regret whenever i tell him something. Or just even normal rant . i got bullied by one of his friend for a whole one year . I stopped coming my classes because of it . Fast-forward when i start to date him I didn’t know they are such close friends. So i told him about one of the thing i went through. He deny it and then try to explain it like it was just dumb joke i took it personally. I was hurt then on same day when she saw me hanging with him . She came to us and she started to bully me in front of him . He didn’t do anything that when i got to know they are close friends . I walked home crying , to which he texted me she was just messing around . She just doesn’t know we are dating . Nonetheless i endup having a very bad fight with him . He still don’t get it . But I don’t try to make him understand anymore. But now whenever i even talk about small . It just feel like he is judging me , or somehow against me . When i confronted him about it . He act hurt how can i think that . So i even try to explain his reaction. He was like next time i wont reply to you at all . But this regret of telling him anything at all . I do love him , i love him a lot .It making a lot of space between us and i am becoming frustrated , bottle up my emotions, my hurts , traumas because I can’t show it to him . I’m tired of being misunderstood.

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