I’m in dire need of advice

I’m a 19yo Male and my biggest problem is I have no friends. My friends and I drifted away from each other after high school.. two dropped off the face of the earth two are deep into school and so busy we stopped talking one got involved in drugs excessive drinking and other things that I have absolutely no desire to be involved in. Now I find myself friendless I have nobody but myself and my thoughts. I find myself struggling hard to meet new people and hang out with them. It’s like I don’t know where to find people with similar interests to mine. Basically all I do is work now 5 days even some months I’ll work 7 days a week I need to make some friends bad. Before my seasonal depression sets in and I find myself alone in the winter with my thoughts. Haven’t had any intrusive thoughts all year but winter last year was dangerously lonely. And all my problems go away when I’m enjoying spending time with other people. Work keeps me busy and sane I work retail and I get to talk to alot of people there and I really enjoy it. But as soon as work is over I’m alone again nobody to talk to nobody to be with. Things are financially tight so i can’t drop down past 5 days this leaves me with the weekends to enjoy myself. But I don’t know where to go or what to do because I know nobody. I’m interested in gardening, farming, hiking, camping, backpacking, swimming & just spending time in general outside almost always its the only way I can stay out of my head.

I need advice where should i go to meet people and make friends? I’m lost and I feel I’ll be lost for good if I don’t find a way

  1. Find a hiking group or swipe tinder. Also, bumble friends is great. It’s super easy to get matches from guys as friends on there. I got like 50 likes the first day

  2. Doing more of your interests and engaging in any community around that would be a good start. People gravitate towards the host/organizers. Once you are known to people don’t say no to invitations for a bit and you will find they keep coming. If not find another group till it works out.

  3. Find a couple of interest-based communities that you can join and really invest yourself in them. They need invested people.

    Focus on communities that are primarily in person and ignore options that are primarily online. Although if you have to go online, videochat and chat (including with multiple people) are more fulfilling than broadcast-based communication (like reddit) or sporadic dms.

    In the winter take vitamin D.

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