I am a 18 year old boy who just got out of a relationship of 3 years about (2 months ago). So have been in relationship all through high school now going into my senior year. Had a great relationship with great sexual qualities and very open and comfortable great sex life all throughout. I am now exploring and partying and what not a little more freely. There is a girl who i particularly find very attractive and fun to be around and want every part of sexual activities. She has been all for it and have been sort of a “friends with benefits” one would say. There is a problem with this. I have never had any issues prior when it comes to getting/keeping an erection and all of the sudden it has now happened twice when i am very into the activities taking place. Everything goes very smooth lord of foreplay very comfortable and just can’t get it up. I am an 18 year old full of testosterone very healthy, avid gym goer pay attention to diet. Does anyone older or have been in similar situations have any advice?

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