How do you feel about men running/working out shirtless in public?

  1. Complete indifference 99% of the time. A twinge of jealousy that they can do so without worrying about harassment and women can’t once in a while.

  2. I’ll be honest and say it pisses me off a little. Mostly because if we have to cover ourselves up and do just fine, why can’t you?

  3. I don’t care at all. I can’t say I have ever seen a shirtless guy running and been enticed by it or put off by it, it’s just some guy running.

  4. I live in a city where temps are hot so its common for men to work out with no shirts on.

    I could care less what they choose to wear or not wear.

  5. I prefer them to wear a shirt in public, just like everybody else.

    I am from Europe, btw. I think it matters in this case.

  6. The same as I feel when I see a woman just wearing a sports bra running around working out. Completely 100% indifferent.

  7. Makes me feel better about the fact that I’m running in a padless sports bra with my nipples protruding.

  8. They need to cover themselves. If I am considered indecent, they should be too.

  9. Running outdoors I don’t care just don’t go shirtless in the gym

    Also working out in a sports bra get flack but men working out shirtless is OK?

  10. Don’t care. I’m neutral. You do you.

    Although I will say I’m low key jealous sometimes, since I live in a super warm climate.

  11. It pisses me off. If I have to struggle keeping my chest covered because it’s “too sexy”, why can’t they?

  12. It gets me thinking about how in the 1920’s that never would have been allowed.

  13. I think it’s great! Heck if I could I would. I guess same could go for women running in a sports bra? If it’s hot I’m wearing as little as possible 🫣

  14. I like it when my husband does it. Other men not so much. If I cant run around nipples out, neither can you.

  15. Sometimes jealous because I can’t go shirtless without being offensive and most other times, I don’t really care. I mean, it’s a free world and it’s hot in summer in Sydney so I don’t see why not. I’ve seen shirtless guys run around my neighbourhood in summer but I suppose they must end up home and put on a shirt or shower as they don’t walk into the supermarket or shops shirtless. In the gym, it would look odd but running in the park and working out outside is ok.

  16. I have no particularly feelings other than “good for you, taking care of yourself.”

  17. So I used to live across an public outdoor gym and whenever I would open my curtains in the morning there would be people working out. Honestly I wasn’t bothered too much by shirtless people, but I did find it kinda weird (especially at 8 am on a sunday when the weather was not that beautiful, that’s just a weird flex)

  18. I feel like the ones without shirts are never the ones you actually want to see with their shirt off.

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