What is the dumbest, most ridiculous, obviously brain dead lie someone has tried to convince you was true?

  1. When an ex texted me looking to hook-up a week after his wedding, swore up and down that he wasn’t married…dude your wedding pictures are on your Facebook 🤦

  2. My grandma recently tried to tell me that my Jeep Renegade would not be able to handle carrying three bags of landscaping stone, but her dumbass husband’s shitty, old truck would. Looked me in the eyes, so sure, even got a little pissy that I kept trying to explain why it would be fine. She would NOT listen and forced me to take the truck. (Yes I know the truck can handle it too but nobody wants to drive that piece of shit, caked with old cigarette smell).

  3. Ex coworker was a pathological liar so there’s a lot but the biggest one was him trying to convince everyone at work that he was a leader of a gang back in Hawaii (at 14 mind you) and that he was estranged from his family despite most of us having met the man multiple times and seen him giving his son money for rent.

  4. That Jeeps use whale sperm as a lubricant. Was told this in the 1980s when car shopping with my then boyfriend and the salesman stayed next to me looking under the hood when my boyfriend went to look at the back of the Jeep.

  5. I had an actual nurse try and tell me I’d have to have a csection with all pregnancies because my husband is a very tall man and the babies would thus be too big to fit out my vagina.

    My babies were in fact never too big to fit because thats not how babies work. My biggest was barely nine pounds.

  6. In 8th grade my health teacher told the class the reason she is a bigger woman is because she is “big boned.” She was dead serious too

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