So very quick post but I notice that men find me interesting over women. I’m a 24 m and at one point in time I was shy. Not shy to walk up and initiate but shy in prolonging convos.

However, I notice guys tend to warm easier to me over women. Not only that women are very avoidant and reject any advances. Just came home from my friends house and all my guys friends hug me goodbye. Some ask for my social.

Why is that women have such a polarizing reaction?

  1. One thing I’ve learned in life is that you have to “make adjustments” to your personality when you address specific people, at least for the first few times. There is a way that men talk to each other that will not resonate with most women. There is an underlying “bro code” most men follow that doesn’t exist when addressing most women. Men are taught not to show emotions and not to be sensitive so that kinda comes through when we’re all together. I try to be a little more sensitive when talking to women. Many have had so many negative experiences with men that they are rightly on guard to our BS. You just need to convey through words, body language, and tone of voice you aren’t a threat. I’m not telling you to be fake, just try to put yourself in other people’s shoes.

  2. Society! Metoo and feminist have done a number on women. That’s partly why some women have the polarized reaction.

  3. Women have a lot of things they need to gauge with men before being too friendly with them. It just takes a bit more time and trust building imo

  4. Dude, the girls may just be intimidated by what a stud you are. Or, they may feel chemistry from you and not feel ready to reciprocate. Or perhaps they are are naturally guaging a being of the opposite sex cautiously since a bigger , stronger being who has a power drug (testosterone) coursing through his veins is a being which needs to first be established as safe, as with any other in nature. Often girls in todays society are exposed to a LOT of male attention, so they get picky and withdraw. HOWEVER, my hope is that these girls just have a lot of wisdom and class, and so they dont wont to become too attached emotionally to a guy, until he talks to her dad about putting a ring on it. But thats just my hopes, and thats actually quite rare. Ive just lost 80% of readers. In the end what you going through is normal. Agonising, but normal.

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