groceries, clothes, what have you

  1. Groceries is fine because we just get what we need and go, other shopping it’s kind of annoying because he likes to browse and get sidetracked, whereas I know what I want and prefer to get it and move on.

  2. Love it. No matter if clothes or groceries. We love getting clothes for each other.

  3. Lightweight stuff nope, heavy stuff yes.
    He’s purely utilitarian as far as shopping- he gets distracted too easily by shiny things.

  4. I would never subject someone to my indecision when clothing shopping. But I’d be okay with grocery shopping, why not?

  5. Nope. I like a browse and he is a man on a mission to get it done as quickly as possible. We order almost everything online.
    I’m on chemo so wandering round shops isn’t a good use of my time right now anyway. Too much effort and I hate having to wear a mask.

  6. Grocery shopping never goes wrong. I’ve gone clothes shopping with a partner a few times and it can be fun if both parties are invested. If either one’s indifferent you’re better off shopping alone imo.

  7. Groceries is always fun but I get so nervous going clothes shopping so it can be hit or miss. He’s got some good taste so he’s a big help when picking out clothes, I just can’t handle the shopping itself sometimes.

  8. He does the groceries because I don’t like it and he’s better at it.

    General shopping for clothes or items or browsing? I love it.

    He always tries to get me to buy more, thinks I look fantastic In everything, compliments me, and asks if I’m sure we are done, or if we might want to go a few other places in case there’s something else I want.

    We laugh, play, have fun, usually find a good place to eat and enjoy being together.

  9. Pretty annoyed. If it’s Groceries, I write the list, tell him when we need to go, I take him around the store and choose everything. He pushes the cart which is nice. But honestly, since he asks me “what else do we need?” the entire time we are shopping, I’m not usually thrilled to go with him.

    If it is clothing or other items, it’s even worse because he is indecisive. He could be looking for a plain black v neck t shirt and we will go to TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, Ross, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Burlington and anywhere else just to find 1 black t shirt that was available in all of the stores we went to.

    If it’s shopping for people’s gifts, oh forget about it. He typically cannot choose one so once it’s time for that person’s special day he just doesn’t get the gift. He will search for weeks and not choose.

  10. I hate it lol. I go shopping as early as the stores open, so like 7 am for groceries. Crowds are the worst. He doesn’t get up until 9 am, so by the time we get to the store it’s 12 pm and packed. And then he’ll tell me to wait somewhere with the cart while he goes looking for something so then I’m just standing there trying to not be in the way. We don’t shop together unless it’s for big purchases like furniture.

  11. We don’t. When we do he insists on pushing the cart and then wanders off while I carry everything to find him. Take two carts? Well that’s silly why two? The whole family hates shopping with him. We don’t go to the mall or anything together. He’s annoying, he knows it. He’s happy to drive us and sit in the car and wait like a cab driver though.

    To be fair he works retail and hates being in stores if he’s not paid for it.

  12. I don’t like it. We have different shopping styles and honestly he kills the vibe. Especially when clothes shopping or shopping for anything other than food. If we’re food shopping, it’s tolerable but I don’t really enjoy shopping for clothes or makeup with him, he just kind follows me and stands there and stares and it’s distracting and makes me feel like I’m being put under a spotlight. Idk…but I also don’t really like shopping alone either. I need some female friends, lol.

  13. I don’t grocery shop with my husband any more. I make a list and I always stick to it for money reasons as well as health, but with him there many things got added to the cart that weren’t planned for. The only shopping we really do together is for things for the house and we’re usually on the same page as to what we’re looking for and what we need, so it’s fine in those cases.

  14. I don’t like shopping with people. Grocery shopping with another person is awkward because it really isn’t a two-person job, and when I’m clothes shopping, I want the time and freedom to walk around and look at stuff a lot.

  15. For clothes, homegoods or if I’m shopping for things out of the ordinary I like to have him with me because he has great input. Just picking up regular stuff from the grocery store, I’d prefer to if he went alone to save time and let me stay home.

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