There’s a woman who goes to my gym. I’ll call her “V”. V doesn’t come to the gym very often as she lives on the other side of the city. Her family and friends are all local so she comes to the gym when she visits them.

I met V through her best friend “H”. H has been going to this gym for years and knows every single person there. Even though I met V through H I’m a lot closer to V. When we speak the conversation just flows. I feel like there’s a connection there.

The problem is that V doesn’t come often, and when she does come there’s no guarantee she’d be there at the same time as me. I feel like H is supportive because when I ask if V is OK, H always lets me know when she’ll be around. Last time I had a proper conversation was November. She was supposed to be at the gym today but H said she got delayed coming home.

I was hoping to ask her for a coffee today but she wasn’t there. I’ve just started a new job and am finally in a position to think about having a relationship, and I really like this woman. But I feel like waiting and hoping I’ll bump into her is futile. H is at the gym every day, and I think it will make more sense to give H my number and tell her to give it to V.

It’s not the way I’d like to do it, but I’ve wanted to take this girl out since forever and I feel like I’ll miss my chance if I just wait around. At least if I give her the number through H I’ll get a definitive answer even if it’s a no.

What do I do?

1 comment
  1. I think in this case its better to actually give H your number to give to V. most women dont want to be asked out at the gym so i would avoid asking her on a date while she’s there working out

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