Where would be your choice of location for a month long Winter vacation within the USA?

  1. Do you want it to be in a winter area? Then probably a place like Aspen Colorado or Telluride Colorado

  2. Do you mean our winter or your winter? And do you want a cold climate or a hot/temperature climate?

  3. Maine and New Hampshire but I’m biased.

    You like snowshoeing? Skiing? Ice climbing?

  4. For winter type stuff – Tahoe, Aspen, Telluride,

    To get away from cold weather – Oahu, Maui, or a desert road trip in the SW (still could be cold but I like the desert)

  5. You want to experience winter? Vermont probably. In New England towns are close to each other and have lots to offer.

    You could see so may nice things on day and weekend trips. NYC, Boston, Portland Maine, Newport, Montreal — all weekend trips from Vermont, plus 100 quaint towns.

    Skiing, snowmobiling, dog sledding, sleigh rides, really fun après-ski scene with good parties and bands.

  6. The Appalachians can be nice in winter … Great Smoky Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains, for example.

  7. I dislike the cold and the weather it brings. So… I’ll just stay in Charleston, thank you very much.

  8. It depends what you’re looking to do. I see a lot of Hawaii recommendations; if you’re going to go there for a whole month, I would switch islands at least weekly.

    I’m from Florida and like it here and think a month driving the keys, Miami and then hitting the west coast (Marco Island/Tampa) could be fun.

    For winter activities – so many people have mentioned Colorado and it is phenomenal. If you’re going to go skiing, it’s probably the best bet.

    Northeast could be a lot of fun for a month with a good bit of variety. The skiing in Vermont is supposed to be great (never tried it), New York City is not too far away, Maine is gorgeous in the summer (never seen it in winter).

    California could be a lot of fun – start south in San Diego and work your way up to San Francisco.

  9. depends on my goal. If I wanted to avoid snow and typical winter weather, then Hawaii.

    However, if my goal is to partake of winter sports, then probably Big Sky Montana.

    If I wanted to just winter wonderland, then I’d do Yellowstone by snowmobile, snowshoe, and dogsled.

  10. Utah or Oregon so I could be with the grandchildren. That would be great!

    MoopooianLuver aka Tutu D (not ballet but grandmother)

  11. We have a term called “Snow Birds”. It’s for older people who are retired and don’t want to deal with snow. They fly south for the winter. Usually December – April. Mostly Florida is where they end up.

  12. Depends…I see that your flair says you’re Australian…do you own clothing appropriate for a North American winter, or are you willing to purchase some? Anywhere besides Hawaii and the better part of Florida will probably have temperatures near or below 0°C during the dead of winter.

    Personally, I’d be happy in a cabin in Appalachia with a nice fire and beautiful views…maybe not for a month, though. Winter sports like skiing and snowboarding are nice, but a month of that is extremely cost prohibitive…unless maybe you signed up for a long, guided cross-country skiing trip.

    Frankly, though, good luck finding Americans for whom the idea of an entire month spent on vacation more than once in a lifetime is seen as anything but a massive luxury. One week isn’t uncommon, two is generally considered a long vacation…three or more is using all of your available time for the entire year for most workers.

    If you just want to chill and enjoy NA winter, and see sights, I’d aim to visit multiple places in New England, or the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Northern California). Colorado could be nice. Alaska is a place unto itself, and you’d definitely have to invest in winter garb to be remotely comfortable up there.

  13. Breckenridge or vail colorado. Nothing beats the rockies during the winter

  14. Yellowstone. With unlimited classics to read, firewood all ready to go, food for the month.

  15. Gotta say, the Appalachian mountains up in Maryland and West Virginia are gorgeous during the winter, and there are plenty of places where you can rent cabins. Good skiing, excellent hiking, wonderful people.

  16. A friend spends a month every year in Palm springs CA and it sounds pretty alright. I’ve done a week at a time on Estero Island (ft Myers) and really enjoyed it. A shack in New Mexico or Nevada is appealing.

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